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SCT Cluster meeting 27th February @ Long Bay College

Present: Bridget McLeod (Glenfield); Sharon Kiely (ASHS); Steve King (Westlake Boys); Vicki Lambert (Long Bay); Lyndsay Prendiville (AJHS)


1. Each SCT discusses their roles and responsibilities in each school:

Wednesday morning later-start PD – year level meetings; organizing professional learning groups (student engagement, differentiation, scaffolding for A/M/E, mindfulness/therapeutic teaching, ICT, relationships with community, raising student expectations)
Walk throughs
PRT programme/induction & mentoring
PRT programme/induction and mentoring
Assistance with individual staff teaching enquiry
Departmental support and development
Compiling staff ‘expertise’ handbook – who is specialized in what
Organising a shadow observation system – developing!
Westlake Boys:
Whole school PD committee – planning, organizing, leading PD across school
Main agenda focused on integrating ICT in the classroom
PRT programme/induction and mentoring
Needs-based support for teachers “oxygen masks first”
“How is your day going?” approaching teachers
Thinking skills training
Long Bay:
Whole school PD committee - planning, organizing, delivering
Working amongst faculties on targets and goals and various teachers – developing!
Differentiation focus

2. EMERGING LEADERS ‘Unconference’ – 22nd-23rd April holidays – sharing good practice
IGNITE evenings 10th April four-minute presentations on an aspect of education

3. Good PD facilitators?
Kaipoi – Bridget to confirm?
Cambridge Education – Steve to confirm?

4. Cross-network PRT community? PRT Cluster group?

5. Lindsey – to invite SCT at Carmel (and other schools?)

6. Sharon – to action SCT Google group

7. Next meeting – Weds 10th April 3pm @ ASHS