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1. Differentiate between the following pairs of terms:

a) Nematoblasts and colloblasts
b) Protonephridia and metanephridia
c) Protostomes and deuterostomes
d) Hemimetaboly and paurometaboly
e) Definitive host and intermediate host

2. Write the location and the function:

a) Paraflagellar body
b) Thesocytes
c) Botryoidal tissue
d) Amphid
e) Uricose gland

3. Define the following:

a) Biradial symmetry
b) Directives
c) Haemolymph
d) Gastrovascular cavity
e) Dissogeny

4. Briefly describe the various modes of nutrition in protozoa. Support your answer with well labeled diagrams.

5. Describe the canal system and its significance in Sycon.

6. Write about the process of sexual reproduction in syconoid sponges.

7. Give a detailed account of the structural organization in Pleurobrachia.

8. Explain the phenomenon of polymorphism in cnidaria. Add a note on its significance and origin.

9. Describe the life cycle and pathogenicity of Ascaris lumbricoides or Leishmania donovani .

10. Discuss the adaptive radiation in polychaetes with respect to their habitat. Explain your answer with the help of suitable examples.

11. Explain the process of torsion in gastropoda. Describe its importance in the molluscan life.

12. What is water vascular system? Discuss its structure, function and significance in detail.

13. Give a detailed account of the larval forms in crustacea.

14. Write short notes on any two:

a) Respiration in Periplaneta
b) Metamerism in annelida
c) Strobilation
d) Parasitic adaptation in trematoda
e) Metamorphosis in Insecta