New Zealand Schools OER Portal/Governance/Property
From WikiEducator
- Is responsible for the physical school environs
- To oversee the school's cyclic maintenance
- To manage the health and safety of the school site and civil defence matters
Policies: Health and Safety Pandemic Planning Emergency Procedures
Job Description – Property/Maintenance officer
- Ideally the appointment of the Board of Trustees member for this position on the Board of the School would have an interest in the Maintenance/Handyperson field enabling them to carry out minor maintenance/repairs that arise, thus saving the cost of employing commercial concerns which would result in considerable savings to the school’s maintenance budget.
- Also the person may have the knowledge of different fields of involvement of local trades people and parents who may be able to help with these tasks on a more voluntary basis or at a cheaper rate of payment.
- As a means of saving monies, the Property Person can if possible organise workdays etc. using voluntary labour. This is an important facet of the position at this particular school.
- Monthly report to the Board of Trustees meetings – discuss any issues needing attention. To be familiar with the 10 year Property Plan and contact consultants, MOE as necessary.
- Adhere to 10 year Maintenance Plan as much as possible.
- More formal functions of position are as follows:
Property occupancy document and property asset schedule: