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Introduction :Reducing Stress within studies

Constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price. If you frequently find yourself feeling frazzled and overwhelmed, it’s time to take action to bring your nervous system back into balance. You can protect yourself by learning how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful 

What is stress

Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. Stress is what keeps you on your toes during a presentation at work, sharpens your concentration when you’re attempting the game-winning free throw, or drives you to study for an exam when you'd rather be watching TV.

Health problem

Many health problems are caused or exacerbated by stress, including:

   * Pain of any kind
   * Heart disease
   * Digestive problems
   * Sleep problems
   * Depression
   * Obesity
   * Autoimmune diseases
   * Skin conditions, such as eczema

sign and symptoms

Cognitive Symptoms Emotional Symptoms Physical Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms
Memory problems Moodiness Nausea, dizziness Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
Inability to concentrate Irritability or short temper Frequent colds Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
Anxious or racing thoughts Depression or general unhappiness Diarrhea or constipation Sleeping too much or too little
Constant worrying Sense of loneliness and isolation Aches and pains Eating more or less

Effect of chronic stress

The body doesn’t distinguish between physical and psychological threats. When you’re stressed over a busy schedule, an argument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body reacts just as strongly as if you were facing a life-or-death situation. If you have a lot of responsibilities and worries, your emergency stress response may be “on” most of the time. The more your body’s stress system is activated, the easier it is to trip and the harder it is to shut off.

Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. Long-term stress can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

How much stress is too much

Because of the widespread damage stress can cause, it’s important to know your own limit. But just how much stress is “too much” differs from person to person. Some people roll with the punches, while others crumble at the slightest obstacle or frustration. Some people even seem to thrive on the excitement and challenge of a high-stress lifestyle.

Your ability to tolerate stress depends on many factors, including the quality of your relationships, your general outlook on life, your emotional intelligence, and genetics.

Things that influence Your stress tolerance level

Controlling stress

Stress Control Tips

  1. Keep a positive attitude.
    # Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
    # Be assertive instead of aggressive. Assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive.
    # Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga, or tai-chi for stress management.
    # Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.
    # Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
    # Learn to manage your time more effectively.
    # Set limits appropriately and learn to say no to requests that would create excessive stress in your life.
    # Make time for hobbies, interests, and relaxation.
    # Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
    # Don't rely on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors to reduce stress.
    # Seek out social support. Spend enough time with those you enjoy.

Small test

Am I in control of stress or is stress controlling me?Italic text

   * When I feel agitated, do I know how to quickly calm and soothe myself?
   * Can I easily let go of my anger?
   * Can I turn to others at work to help me calm down and feel better?
   * When I come home at night, do I walk in the door feeling alert and relaxed?
   * Am I seldom distracted or moody?
   * Am I able to recognize upsets that others seem to be experiencing?
   * Do I easily turn to friends or family members for a calming influence?
   * When my energy is low, do I know how to boost it?

Causes Of stress

Top Ten Stressful Life Events

  1. Spouse’s death
  2. Divorce
  3. Marriage separation
  4. Jail term
  5. Death of a close relative
  6. Injury or illness
  7. Marriage
  8. Fired from job
  9. Marriage reconciliation
 10. Retirement

Managing Stress


Our lives are busy and it can be hard to be forever concentrating on finding our “center of peace.”

By following a few tips each day, you can move towards a more balanced lifestyle. This can only mean more inner strength and relaxation -- and who doesn’t want that?

   * Set a time aside each day to relax!
     - give yourself permission
     - don’t waste your time being exhausted.
   * Carry a notebook everywhere you go!
     - Jot down everything you need to do
     - cross off as you do it
     - You’ll feel more in control.
   * Get the amount of sleep you need each night!
     - do something you love just before bed
     - dab an essential oil on your pillowcase and temples
     - use an eye pillow to help you drift off
     - keep your heat turned low
   * As soon as you arrive home from work take a break just for you!
     - retreat; let someone else manage the dinner, the kids, etc.
     - do something relaxing, purposeful, like yoga
   * Do an open-eyed meditation exercise!
     - gaze softly at a candle flame
     - darken your room
     - calm your mind
     - Always bring your mind back to the candle
     - You will feel warm and relaxed.
   * Create a home spa!
     - give yourself permission for soothing pleasure
     - No interruptions for one full hour
     - put on some music
     - Light lots of candles
     - put bubbles in your bath
     - Just soak and let your mind drift


Deep breathing for stress relief

With its focus on full, cleansing breaths, deep breathing is a simple, yet powerful, relaxation technique. It’s easy to learn, can be practiced almost anywhere, and provides a quick way to get your stress levels in check. Deep breathing is the cornerstone of many other relaxation practices, too, and can be combined with other relaxing elements such as aromatherapy and music. All you really need is a few minutes and a place to stretch out.

"I sincerely believe that anyone can practice yoga. If you can breathe, you can do it! No matter your age or ability, there is a class for you. My favorite portion of any given class is the very end. The glow on the faces of the students is all the proof I need that yoga brings a sense of deep inner peace to all who practice. Yoga clears the clutter from our minds. Focusing on the breath brings a sense of presence that allows us to tap into what we are thinking and feeling in any given moment. From that place of presence, we are able to realize the full essence of ourselves, thus leading happier and more fulfilling lives." says Adrienne Totino.

More on Yoga at

Practicing LaughterTherapy

Laughter has the ability to dull pain.Numerous studies of people in pain or discomfort have found that when they laugh they report that their pain doesn't bother them as much. Laughter Therapy to reduces Stress, boost Immune Function, relieve Depression and increase Mental Flexibility. Laughter  put people at ease, and everyone around them.

We’ve all the heard the saying “laughter is the best medicine.” RTENOTITLE

Ways to Bring More Humor and Laughter Into Your Life

  • Adopt on attitude of playfulness in which your mind is open to uncensored, iconoclastic, silly or outrageous thoughts.
  • Think funny by seeing the flip side of every situation.
  • Laugh at the incongruities in everyday situations, whether they involve you or someone else.
  • nly laugh with others for what they do not for who they are.
  • Laugh at yourself with acceptance of and delight in your own weaknesses, idiosyncrasies and conceits.
  • Make others laugh and by doing so create happiness for them and the joy of giving for yourself. Use your sense of humor to have fun not to be funny so you impress people or confirm your superiority. Remember that humor is an inexhaustible gift that you can give yourself or others over and over without running dry.

Want to laugh:click here

Quick Stress Relief

Guess what? You can be your own stress-busting superhero. Everybody has the power to reduce the impact of stress as it’s happening in that moment. With practice, you can learn to spot stressors and stay in control when the pressure builds.

Learning quick stress relief won't happen overnight. Like any skill, it takes time, self-exploration and above all, practice. But think of it as an education with a huge payoff. Believe it or not, stress is necessary for life. Without it, you would be dead—you need stress for creativity, learning, and your very survival. Stress is only harmful when it becomes overwhelming.



Have I had any recent major life changes?

Life changes such as getting married, moving to a new city, or losing a job can all be stressful. You can't always control these things, but you can control how you respond to them.

To find out your current stress level based on recent changes in your life, try this Interactive Tool:

What is your stress level?

Cope with your stress

Tips For relief

Throughout graduate school exams loom, papers hang over us, and nagging deadlines keep us awake and stressed. How can you manage it all?

1. Start studying now. Don't wait. Procrastination will perpetuate feelings of helplessness -- you'll feel more stressed and out of control if you put off your work. The same holds true for papers. Begin as early as you can.

2. Don't cram. Psychological research shows that repeated exposure to your course material over several sessions is better than what psychologists refer to as "massed practice" -- cramming. You're more likely to understand and retain material that you've covered several times over a period of days or even weeks than material crammed over a 1-2 day period.

3. Prioritize. Make a list of all that needs to be completed. Then prioritize your list, noting due dates as well as rating the overall importance of each item. Use this list to organize your study time.

4. Sleep. Though it might seem like a good idea to pull an all-nighter to get that paper finished, you're better off getting some sleep and returning to it in the morning. Research shows that we need sleep in order to function.

5. Exercise. "Why should I spend precious time on exercise?" you ask? Exercise is one of the best stress-relievers around. Really. When we're stressed we experience elevated levels of stress hormones that keep us wound up. We experience tightened muscles and short tempers. Exercise permits us to release the pent-up energy.