My own publications

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Papers in internationally refereed journals:

1. Bansy VD, Goorah SSD*, Mohith A, Cheeneebash J. Baseline characteristics of women presenting with breast cancer at the Radiotherapy Unit of Victoria Hospital, Mauritius. University of Mauritius Research Journal 2007;13A:17-26.

2. Ramchurn SK, Goorah SSD, Mungla D, Ramsurrun B, Pydiah V, Summun A. A study of the 2006 Chikungunya epidemic outbreak in Mauritius. Internet Journal of Medical Update. January 2008;3:11-21.

3. Ramchurn SK, Goorah SSD, Makhan M, Moheeput K. Excess mortality as an epidemic intelligence tool in chikungunya mapping. EuroSurveillance. February 2008;13:1-3

4. Ramchurn SK, Goorah SSD. Reflections on chikungunya outbreaks in Mauritius and Ravenna, Italy. eletter British Medical Journal 24 July 2008.

5. Fidele B, Cheeneebash J, Gopaul A, Goorah SSD. Artificial neural networks as a clinical decision-supporting tool to predict cardiovascular disease. Trends in Applied Sciences Research 2008.

6. Goorah SSD, Ghamy AB, Caussy BS, Cheeneebash J, Ramchurn SK. Clinical complications of Chikungunya fever in Mauritius. Internet Journal of Medical Update July 2009;4(2):3-8

7. Goorah SSD, Esmyot MLI, Boojhawon R. The Health Impact of NonhazardousSolid Waste Disposal in a Community:The Case of the Mare Chicose Landfill in Mauritius, Journal of Environmental Health, 72 (1) July/Aug 2009

8. Ramchurn SK, Moheeput K, Goorah SS 2009 An analysis of a short-lived outbreak of dengue fever in Mauritius Eurosurveillance 14(34).

Poster presentations:

1. Goorah SSD, Ghamy AB, Caussy BS, Cheeneebash J, Ramchurn SK. Clinical complications of Chikungunya in Mauritius. 13th International Conference on Infectious Diseases. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 19-22 June 2008. Abstract 49.011.

2. Shamachurn B, Goorah SSD, Oogarah-Pratap B. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in a cohort of secondary school children in Mauritius in 2008. University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P5.

3. Goorah SSD, Khoyratty MF, Gaya R, Sonoo J. A study investigating transfusion-related complications in patients receiving either blood or blood products in a regional hospital in Mauritius. University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P6.

4. Bholah MH, Goorah SSD, Boojhawon R. Are growth charts in use in Mauritius appropriate for growth monitoring in the local multiethnic context? University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P8.

5. Angnoo FN, Goorah SSD, Ramchurn SK. Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Mauritius. University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P9.

6. Bertrand MMC, Goorah SSD, Ramchurn SK. Investigating the role of behavioural parameters in the HIV infected population in Mauritius. University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P10.

7. Dhotah AS, Goorah SSD, Boojhawon R, Ramchurn SK. Exploring the role of human contact patterns in the spread of infectious diseases transmitted by the airborne route such as a potential Avian Influenza A (H5N1) infection. University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P11.

8. Essackjee KD, Goorah SSD, Cheeneebash J. A Clinical Profile of the 2005 Chikungunya outbreak in Mauritius. University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P13.

9. Khadaroo MIH, Goorah SSD, Boolell S. A study investigating the suicide profile in Mauritius for 2000-2004. University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P14.

10. Panchoo G, Goorah SSD, Jowaheer V. Is obesity associated with an earlier onset of puberty in girls in Mauritius? University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P26.

11. Ramchurn SK, Goorah SSD, Moheeput K. On herd immunity and the 2006-chikungunya epidemic outbreak in Mauritius. University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P27.

12. Ramchurn SK, Goorah SSD, Thakoor B, Roopchund RL. A cellular model for pandemic influenza outbreak simulation and mitigation. University of Mauritius Research Week 2008. 1-5 September 2008. P35.