My Wiki Trial Project
The WikiEducator?
When I first heard about the WikiEducator, I could only think that it had some kind of relationship with Wikipedia. Many of you would have heard about and used Wikipedia. It is a free online encyclopedia that is among the top 20 most visited websites in the world. WikiEducator uses Mediawiki, the same open source software platform that Wikipedia uses.
WikiEducator is hosted by The Commonwealth of Learning but shares the "wiki" philosophy of openness, inclusion and sharing of knowledge. Please feel free to become part of the WikiEducator and create, edit or use learning content.
Currently the WikiEducator provides users with free access to eLearning resources (which you can edit or add to). It is also used being used to develop learning content for the Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC). Remember that the WikiEducator certainly isn't limited to these two uses. Anyone who wants to create, edit or use learning content is welcome to become part of WikiEducator.
The Wikieducator in Papua New Guinea 
Now that you have a fair idea of what the WikiEducator is, let us explore the uses of the WikiEducator within our own context. The question that I kept asking myself was:
How best can the WikiEducator be used by educators in Papua New Guinea?
After much thought I realised there were a lot of ways we could use WikiEducator. Here are a few and Please feel free to add to my list...
- Collaboration within universities and research institutes to publish online content on .....