Money and Career
From WikiEducator
- MONEY, MONEY, MONEY---MONEY! (that’s supposed to sound like “The Apprentice” theme song)
- Income supports
- Long Term Disability Insurance (check with your insurance company through work, different policies have different rules and regulations.)
- Canadian Pension Plan Disability [[1]]
- Workers Compensation Board (varies from province to province)
- Motor Vehicle Insurance (most common with MVA, check with insurance company)
- Provincial Income Support (check with provincial government)
- Career counseling
- Depending upon source of funding, can determine how this will be funded. If there is funding for carerr counselling, most
- likely will go through a privately funded agency and this will be determined by the source of funding. If there is no source
- of funding, contact your local brain injury organization and they will have a list of supports and services available.
- Education
- If there is funding as a result of the motor vehicle collision, the type of education and location of education will be
- determined by the funding source. (normally an insurance company). If there is no funding, then once again contact your local
- brain injury organization and they will assist you with this.
- Use your support system, check with your local brain injury agency and ask about return to work option. Work with your insurance
- company also and see what private agencies they can refer you to.
- Does your physician agree it’s time to get back to work?
- Check in with your human resources department Is there retraining available to you?
- Resources in your neighborhood Community employment centers College or University has career counseling
- Work Re-Entry [[6]] Retrieved from Brain Injury Resource Centre