Minutes for the first meeting of midwives in second life

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Minutes of first meeting held on the 2nd march 2008

The first task as people came in was getting everyone talking – either to get the talk function working or to make the volume of the speakers louder or softer so everyone could hear okay. A slide was visible with instructions to help people get started with voice communication. Those present then introduced themselves
Background in midwifery,

From Auckland and area is in teaching Japanese

Arwenna Kiwi Educator

Dunedin and background in midwifery – interested in use of SL for PD for midwives and health profssionals

Midwifery education from the UK

Midwife and researcher from UK interested in SL for research and education

Educator and clinical leader Australia.

Working in same organisation as number present – interested in observing and how could be used medium for education in midwifery

UK near London. Clinical midwife leader.

Midwife in Detroit Mi at Wyne State University

UK secondary school teacher – find out what SL has to offer

PHD student working on ethnographic study of midwives work – from Birmingham

Dacary led off with a presentation she had prepared:
Talked through aims of this meeting…(am sure you have this)

Could it provide opps for PD for midwives?

What other options ?
List given in presentation
Sarah – talked about effort required to learn to use SL – would midwives who are technophobic find it hard to get going – to learn the technology

Big learning curve – needs to be supported to learn how to use sl…new media consortium have put together a good how to package for educators.
Hoping that it will get easier over time,

Probably needs time to get on board, will be used more in the future..

Can conferences be offered freely – certainly can be set up here.

Arwenna – invited any to join kiwieducators
Sandbox available for building objects as well, and you don’t need to be a kiwi

Arwenna talked about attending conferences in sl, before voice came into sl.

The time difference is also a problem, although you can save the transcript of all the text and those that can’t attend in person can read later

People were asking for support/assistance – dacary suggested that another meeting could be useful to build skills and confidence – people seemed interested in trying again.

Need to raise midwives consciousness re social networking through lots of different mechanisms - Sarah

Good to have same people come back again, also put up a midwifery topic – something for the midwives to focus on rather than focus on sl

Discussion about role of kiwieducators which meets every Sunday – encouraged others to join.

Offer to have a meeting next week same time, same place