Methodology Chapter 3/User:Nestorchan
University of Belize
University of Belize Faculty of Education and Arts
Course: EDUC 345 – Classroom Assessment Credits: 3 Semester Credits Class Session: 8:00-10:30
Semester: (1) August to December Saturday.
Lecturer: Mr. Nestor Chan, M.Ed. Consultation: 3:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday. Phone: 822-3680 ex. 335 E-mail:
Text: Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing it Right-Using it Well by R. Stiggins, J. Arter, J. Chappuis, and S. Chappuis.
Course Description: This course will give teachers an understanding of the principles of alternative assessment in the classroom and contrast them with traditional forms of assessment. It will provide the students with the skills needed in developing a variety of instruments that will contribute to the process of creating alternative forms of assessment thus ensuring high quality assessment. The taxonomy of cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives will be explored.
Objectives of the Course: 1. Develop awareness on the importance of alternative forms of assessment and their applications. 2. Design and use alternative assessment instruments. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of alternative forms of assessment through group presentations and discussions. 4. Evaluate the role assessment plays in educational planning. 5. Recognize how effective assessment can enhance instructional objectives and student achievement. 6. Select appropriate assessment strategies for a variety of contexts (Math, Language, Science, Social Studies) 7. Use the taxonomy of objectives in the affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains. 8. Assess higher order thinking in students. 9. Evaluate organizational skills, problem solving, creativity, long-term achievement, collaboration, and self-determination in students.
Course Guidelines
Date Topic Assignments
Week 1 August 23 Course Introduction New theories of Learning and instruction Meta-cognition Authentic learning assessment
Week 2 August 30
Intrinsic Academic Motivation Theories Every Student a Winner Individual Differences: Multiple Intelligences
Week Three September 6 Understanding assessment alternatives Learned Helplessness Higher order thinking Bloom’s Taxonomy of Objectives: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective Read Chapter One Week Four Sept. 13 Assess What? Clear Targets Designing authentic assessment instruments Understanding Assessment Methods in Language, Math, Science, Social Studies Holistic and detailed grid Page 63, 64 Week Five Sept. 20 Quality Assurance Validity and Reliability Why assessments lack reliability/validity M. Choice, True/False, Short Answers, Extended Response items, The Normal Curve, Skewed data. Reflection One Sept. 15 Week Six Sept. 27 Knowledge vs IQ Assessment Methods Organizational skills Collaborative skills Self Determination Creativity Read Chapter 4
Week Seven October 4 Potential sources of Bias and Distortion (p. 115) Self-determination Assessing the knowledge base
Read Chapter 5
Week Eight October 11 Objective Assessment Selected Response Assessment Assessing learners attitudes, values Communicating with the learner Communicating with parents Presentations 1 and 2 Begin Read Chapter 9
Week Nine October 18 Assessment Techniques Rating Scales Questionnaires Anecdotal Records Reflection Two Due October 18 Presentation 3 and 4
Week Ten October 25 Inventories Interviews Checklists Rubrics Performance Assessment Designing the Performance Task Read Chapter 7 Presentation 5 and 6 Week Eleven November 1 Problem Solving Skills Assessing Problem Solving Strategies Personal communication as Assessment Essay Topic: Assessing in the Affective Domain. Presentation 7 and 8 Chapter 8 Week Twelve November 8 Assessing Deep Understanding Conferencing with students Presentation 9 and 10 Read Chapter 12
Week Thirteen November 15 Insuring Validity of the portfolio Building a System for Portfolio Assessment Read Chapter 11 Project on Rubrics Due
Week Fourteen November 22 Why assign grades Constructing a grading plan Presentation of Projects to the Class. Use any props, visual aids etc. to enhance presentation. Chapter 10 Students Present Final Project Week Fifteen November 19 Presentation of Projects to the Class. Use any props, visual aids etc. to enhance presentation. Students Present Final Project Week Sixteen November 26 Final Exams
Bailey, M. (1998). Learning about Language Assessment: Dilemmas, decisions and directions. Heinle & Heinle: USA
Eggen, P. & Kauchak, D. (2001). Educational Pyschology: Windows on Classrooms. 5th Edition. Merrill Prentice Hall: NJ.
O’Malley, J. M. & Pierce, L. V. (1996). Authentic assessment for English Language learners: Practical approaches for teachers. Addison Wesley: USA
Tombari, M. & Borich, G. (1999). Authentic assessment in the classroom: Applications and practice. Merrill:NJ
Grading and Evaluation The Standard grading system used by the University of Belize will be used.
Attendance and Participation: 5% Reflections: (2) 15% Essay 10% Presentation 20% Project (Rubrics) 20% Final Project 30% (Alternative Activity and Rubric; e.g. game, model)
Class Policies and Expectations
1. In order to get full credit for this course, students must attend 80% of the classes. 2. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to arrange with members of the class or group for assignments, handouts and so on. 3. All assignments and group projects must be submitted on time. 20% will be deducted from late assignments. 4. If you miss a quiz due to unforeseen circumstances, inform the lecturer with in person or via a representative. 5. Kindly place on vibrate all cellular phones before commencement of each class.
Presentation (20 %) Your group will make a 30-40 minute presentation on a topic related to alternative assessment. Your group can make use of any props, visual aids, video clips etc. to enhance the presentation.
A rubric for the presentations will be provided two weeks before they are to begin.
Project (20 %)
You will develop a set of rubrics for a specific class level in two major subject areas. (At least 2 in each subject area). You will pick one to share with the class. It would be good if you make copies to share with classmates. The rubric will be presented 3 weeks before the project is due.
Final Project (30 %)
You will develop an alternative assessment task for a class of your choice and the rubric that is to be used to assess the task. The task could be a game, model, collage, or any project that could be developed. You will present the task to the class and explain how the rubric was used to obtain the grade for it. This is due the last week of classes in December.
Reflections (15 %)
You will write four reflections during the course; they are to allow you to stop and think how this course has influenced you. Consider the new insights you have gained and how the new knowledge makes you a better/more knowledgeable person.
The following rubric will be used to mark your essays/reflections
1 2 3 4
Topic Sentence Note clearly established topic sentence. Main idea of the paragraph not indicated in the topic sentence. Introduces the paragraph with a vague reference to the main idea. Fails to capture the reader’s attention. Topic sentence tries to make reference to the main idea of the paragraph. Lacks clarity, however, it manages to capture the reader’s attention Topic sentence is clear and indicates the main idea of the paragraph. It is stated in a manner that attracts the reader’s attention.
Organization, supporting sentences and conclusion. The writing is not focused and appears disorganized. Sentences in the body fail to further develop the main ideas. Unclear conclusion. The writing is rough but can be understood. It tries to focus on the main idea of the paragraph but at times seems to get off the topic. Alludes to a conclusion but needs more clarity.
The writing is clear. It is focused for the most part on the main idea of the paragraph. It has a beginning, middle, and an end. It needs to center more on the supporting details. The writing is clear and properly focused on the main idea of the paragraph. It has a well-developed beginning, middle and an end. The supporting details are informative and the conclusion gives closure to the paragraph. I
Ideas in the Reflection
Uses very few ideas. Is not reflective. Uses the same ideas over and over. Some may appear confusing. Makes use of some ideas but they appear to lack insight or appear uninspired. Some ideas are over-used and make the reflection not to run smoothly. Makes use of a variety of ideas but also uses many ideas that appear too routine or overused. Generally, the reflection appears to have substance and it flows smoothly.
Very in-depth and insightful ideas. Reflection shows much analysis and critical thinking. The ideas used are striking but appear natural. Includes much variety of ideas and the reflection flows smoothly.
Grammar Usage
Numerous grammar errors make the writing incomprehensible. The paper is difficult to read
Many grammar errors make the writing difficult to understand. The reader is easily distracted by the errors.
Few grammar errors. The writing is easily understood. Little distraction caused to the reader by the errors.
Grammar errors are almost non-existent. The paper is an easy read. No distractions are caused to the reader due to the very limited errors.
Total Possible Marks: 20
19 – 20 = Excellent 17 - 18 = Good 14 – 16= Average
12 – 13 = Acceptable 11 and below = Unacceptable