Merged outlines
- I took a stab at merging the original outline with the ToC from the UNESCO document. In the process I moved things around a bit and there are a lot of comments (using Seth's [ ] convention). --Philipp 14:24, 25 January 2008 (CET)
- Main change is the addition of publish/produce content. The earlier outline proposed a model that relied on accessing other peoples' content first, then remixing/localising it, and republishing. I think helping more people to publish their materials is also important - and might actually be easier to introduce than remixing other peoples' content. --Philipp 14:24, 25 January 2008 (CET)
- Is it ok to use the term OER/resources rather than content --Philipp 14:24, 25 January 2008 (CET)
Current planned structure [brackets proposed add ins]
Meta Pages
- [List of contributors and contact information]
- [Project milestone page]
- Why OER? (both motivation and goals) [UNESCO 3.3]
- A short history of OERs [UNESCO 3.1,3.2,3.4]
- Models and approaches to OER development [I would break this down into lecturer-centered and student-centered to be practical / that's the structure we have used for the publish content section in the UNESCO document, also see below --Philipp 14:24, 25 January 2008 (CET)]
- Cathedral and the Bazaar models of content
- Producer - Consumer versus Collaborative peer production (Could be covered under Cathedral and Bazaar?)
- Roadmap of the book's organization, including:
- The OER Lifecycle [what is this?]
[A few sub-sections appeared in multiple places, so I moved them here and added the sections on project planning and institutional readiness from the UNESCO outline. --Philipp 14:48, 25 January 2008 (CET)]
- License Content
- License compatibility
- Creative Commons
- User Stories (or maybe clear, concise statements of different licensing perspectives)
- Quality assurance mechanisms in peer-collaboration models
- 4 General notes on project implementation
- 4.1 Project planning document
- 4.2 Making the case
- 4.3 Monitoring and evaluation / Measuring success
- 5 Requirements, constraints and enablers
- 5.1 Buy-in from senior management at your institution
- 5.2 Embed use and publication of open content and materials in university policies
- 5.3 Link to national or provincial policy goals
- 5.4 Connect with other initiatives at your institution
- 5.5 Collaborate with others outside of the university
- 5.6 Funding
Get OERs
- Searching and finding [UNESCO 7.1]
- Services/tools across multiple sites
- [List of "resource" sites] [UNESCO 7.1.1-7.1.4]
- Wikipedia
- WikiEducator
- Wikiversity
- Connexions
- Flickr
- Creative Commons search
- Internet archive
- Project Gutenberg
- Preferred formats (Interoperability) [In the UNESCO doc we have this under publishing rather than getting other peoples' materials? 6.6.3]
- Accessibility
- User Stories
Publish OERs [UNESCO Section 6]
- 6.1 Different publishing strategies (learner-centric vs. lecturer-focused)
- 6.2 Deciding which content to publish
- 6.3 Licensing guidelines [This could be pulled up now?]
- 6.3.1 Copyright alternatives – Creative Commons and other licenses
- 6.3.2 Clearing copyrights
- 6.3.3 Get legal advice from the experts
- 6.4 Training and support
- 6.5 The project team
- 6.6 Technology
- 6.6.1 Publishing platforms / Repositories
- 6.6.2 Web traffic analysis
- 6.6.3 Standards and interoperability
- 6.6.4 Course and content production tools
- 6.6.5 Social learning, Social networking tools
- 6.7 Case-studies and examples
- 6.8 Step-by-step
Use Content
[I think the following sub-sections could be pulled together under Use Content (localising, remixing, etc.) --Philipp 14:48, 25 January 2008 (CET)]
[A number of things appear multiple times (translation etc.) - maybe a different structure could help avoid that? --Philipp 14:48, 25 January 2008 (CET)]
- Upload/import course materials into a course management system/virtual learning environment
- IMS discussion? [Have this under Technology/Publishing OER in UNESCO 6.6.3]
- Authoring Courses from Content across Many Sources
- [Best practices?]
- Accessibility
- Low bandwidth/mobile versions
- User Stories
- 7.2 Local hosting of materials [UNESCO]
- 7.3 Integrating OERs in teaching and learning [UNESCO]
- * 7.3.1 Learner perspective [UNESCO]
- * 7.3.2 Lecturer perspective [UNESCO]
Localize Content
- Creating a Curriculum/Bundling Content
- Content translation
- Linking between versions
- Low bandwidth/mobile versions
- Offline versions
- Creating a custom course (for oneself as a learner)
- Tools
- Make-A-Path?
- Social bookmarking
- eXe
- Burrokeet
- Audacity
- Dotsub
- Preferred formats (Interoperability) [UNESCO 6.6.3 / already covered above]
- Accessibility
- User Stories
Remix Content [Isn't this very similar to localising?]
- Creating a Curriculum/Bundling Content
- Content translation
- Low bandwidth/mobile versions
- Offline versions
- Sharing and remixing rich media
- Accessibility
- User Stories
- Encouragement and practice
- Additional resources
- [UNESCO 8 The future of open education]
[Other UNESCO sections:]
- 9 References
- 10 Additional resources
- 11 Annex A Licensing overview [maybe not needed here?]
- 12 Annex B Links (oer-toolkit)
[This was under re-distribution / not sure where this should go now --Philipp 14:24, 25 January 2008 (CET)] [List of possible websites/venues]
- TeacherTube
- YouTube
- Flickr
- Moodle
- Mediawiki
- Wordpress
- Odeo
User Stories