Study Plan
From WikiEducator
Skill Development 15 (#Temporarytag) | |
Equation_of_a_Line_(Point/Slope) - Graphic | |
Equation_of_a_Line_(Point/Slope) | Objectives and success criteria | Audio signpost | Study Plan | Validation and Assessment |
Plan and/or Tasks:
Learners need to be able to calculate the slope of a line.
- Read the information and examples for finding the equation of a line, given the slope and one point on the line.
- Using the first example, redo it on another piece of paper without looking at the answer. Then, check your work.
Key Questions (Critical Thinking Questions)
1. How do you find the slope of a line?
2. What does it mean when the slope is 0?
3. What does it mean when the slope is undefined?
4. Give an example where you would get a line with a positive slope.
5. Give an example where you would get a line with zero slope.
6. If you were given the slope and one of the points, could you find another point on the line?