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Icon activity.jpg Analysis
You have completed the first part of the activity and are ready to analyze the data.

Proceed with the following instructions:

  1. Calculate the weight in Newtons, N of each mass in your data table.
  2. Record the results in the weight column of the data table below or your notebook.
  3. Record a sample calculation of the weight in your notebook.
  4. Plot a Displacement vs Weight graph.
  5. Draw a best fit straight line through your data points.
  6. Calculate the slope of the best fit straight line.
  7. Record the slope with its units in your notebook.
  8. Hooke's Law states that the force on the mass due to the spring is directly proportional to the displacement of the spring. This looks very similar to the slope except that you measured the weight not the force due to the spring. Do you remember the relationship between the weight and the force due to the spring from the first multichoice question? Record the relationship between the weight and the force due to the spring.
  9. Determine the spring constant for Spring #1.
  10. Record the spring constant in your notebook.

Weight (N = kg m s−2) Displacement (cm)

Check Your Results