Marketing Library and Information Services

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Chapter Outline

SLMinto.png Introduction

Libraries and information centers are facing a time of unprecedented change and challenge. Recent technological\ developments are creating new forms of information, new sources of information and new ways of providing information bypassing traditional institutional like libraries. There has been an increasing pressure on libraries to mobilize resources and become self-reliant. Library users are transforming into customers with rising expectations, diverse needs and wants, and choices. Now, the real challenge for library and information professionals is not to manage the collection, staff and technology but to turn these resources into services. The notion of services has also changed, from \ basic to value added, from staff assisted to self -service, from in-house to outreach, from free to priced, from reactive to pro-active, and from masscustomization to individualized service.

SLMobj.png Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you are expected to learn about:



SLMsum.png Results

SLMkp.png Key Points

The key points of this chapter are as follows:

SLMgloss1.png Glossary

SLMtest1.png Practice Test

SLMfeedb.png Answers to SAQs

SLMref.png References and Further Readings