Manage health and safety in a tourism context/Activities/Oamarau Fieldtrip
Students (you) will be able to:
- Describe the key points of interpretation
- Demonstrate knowledge of risk management theory
- Explain health and safety roles and responsibilities
- Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety policies and procedures of a tourism organisation
- Identify, record in writing and take action on potential risks and hazards in a tourism activity
You will undertake a one-day fieldtrip to the North Otago area and deliver an interpretation in the style of a tour guide.
Part 1
1. In pairs you are to research and complete an interpretation on the subject area provided by the lecturer (preparation time will be included in the assessment time)
a. A written transcript (outline for your interpretation) on the topic provided must be produced and handed in. Your interpretation cannot be read straight from your transcript, however you may produce and use cue cards in conjunction with your interpretation
b. A spoken interpretation of 10minutes minimum is to be delivered
c. All the above work must be completed on an equal basis
2. Your interpretation must:
- Take into account your audience
- Create a story from the information
- Incorporate an “introduction, body and conclusion
- Generate some thought, response and action from your audience
- Take into account the environment you are delivering your interpretation in eg. outside
Part 2
1. In a group situation complete a Health and Safety Risk Analysis and Intention Sheet
You will be provided with: transport, a topic, a microphone
You must provide: research, interpretation, transcript, cue cards (if used)