Manage and protect data in a personal computer system
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate: file management; the importance of data protection and application of appropriate data protection techniques; and knowledge of the principles and practice of ethics in the storage and transfer of data.
[hide]- 1 This topic is used in the following courses
- 2 Demonstrate file management on a personal computer system
- 3 Identify common threats to data stored on a personal computer system, and apply appropriate data protection measures, and/or identify data protection measures currently in place
- 4 Demonstrate knowledge of ethics in relation to the management of data held in computer systems
- 5 Notes
This topic is used in the following courses
Demonstrate file management on a personal computer system
- The demonstration includes searching for and locating files on the personal computer system.
Range: methods may include but are not limited to - browsing through directory/tree, using a search mechanism.
- The demonstration identifies conventions for the logical structuring of files and folders in a personal computer system, the use of descriptive file names, and shows how to store files in a folder.
- The demonstration shows how files are managed in a computer system in terms of opening (if applicable), copying, renaming, moving, and deleting.
Identify common threats to data stored on a personal computer system, and apply appropriate data protection measures, and/or identify data protection measures currently in place
- Common threats to data stored in a personal computer system are identified.
Range: threats may include but are not limited to - unauthorised access, internet and email risks, virus/trojan attack, spyware, power failure, natural disaster, data corruption. Evidence of three threats is required.
- Measures are applied to ensure the integrity of data held in a personal computer system.
Range: measures may include but are not limited to - back-up techniques, frequency of saving, virus protection facility, UPS or surge protector. Evidence of three measures is required.
- Measures are applied to secure the system from unauthorised access and/or current measures are identified.
Range: security measures may include but are not limited to - passwords, logoff, shutdown, physical security (locked room, keyboards, and/or workstations), anti-virus/trojan software, and hardware/software firewalls. Evidence of three measures is required. Backup copies are made and data recovered.
Demonstrate knowledge of ethics in relation to the management of data held in computer systems
Range: may include but is not limited to - copyright, piracy, individual privacy, and organisation confidentiality.
- Ethical issues and principles related to managing information in the form of computer data are identified.
- Two examples of good ethical practice are described.
- Definitions
- Organisational practice refers to the systems used by the workplace, school or training provider.
- Appropriate data protection techniques refer to procedures that do not conflict with organisational practice.