Making use of study groups
From WikiEducator
The purpose of this resource is to help you to understand why a study group might be useful to you in your studies, and how to effectively set up and operate within a study group.
What are the benefits of having a study group?
First read this page on Study Groups
As you can see, there are many potential benefits to having a study group. It is highly recommended that you try to be involved in a study group during this course. Studying in a group does not suit everyone, but you never know until you try.
Getting started with Study Groups
If you choose to establish a study group, remember to refer to the guidelines on this page. (You'll need to scroll down)
In addition consider roles within the group
- What are members strengths?
- The group needs a leader who
- Sends out the agenda before the meeting
- Facilitates discussion
- Keeps the group on task so that all items on the agenda are completed
- Facilitates discussion on the agenda for the next meeting