Making moocs on a budget/Course description

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What’s the course about?

Making MOOCs on a Budget is an online course designed to teach you how to develop a Massive Open Online Course at an affordable cost.

What will I learn?

The course will teach you about:

  • Planning a MOOC-building project
  • Designing MOOCs based on pedagogical approaches that facilitate effective learning,
  • Tools and techniques for creating videos and other learning materials,
  • Sourcing relevant learning materials from the web for your MOOC,
  • Developing assessments at large scale through the use of quizzes and peer assignments,
  • Promoting your MOOC and retaining your learners.

What’s involved?

Through the materials provided on this course, you will learn about low-cost techniques for developing and managing massive open online courses (MOOCs). 

Materials are arranged to deal with specific topics, and information is presented through a combination of videos, written text, and quizzes.

The Course Team has as much as possible tried to practice what they preach: this MOOC is made in a lean way, which means DIY video production, and re-use of content and student contributions.

What prerequisites should I have, if any?

Experience in a classroom setting, and familiarity with pedagogy and/or making online courses will be an advantage, though it is not a requirement for participating in this MOOC.

Discussions will be hosted on Linkedin. In order to participate in the external discussions, you need to set up/ log in to your Linkedin account and join the moocs4all group (Links to an external site.) where you can comment and discuss with fellow learners on this course. 

About the developers