Making moocs on a budget/5th Meeting

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Minutes of 5th LoCoMoTion Project Meeting Sligo 22/23 Sep 2016

Thursday 22nd

Notes of the discussion

Canvas Course will be reviewed by Canvas next week, we think/expect to be able to make changes after it has been published. Brian/Linda to check and add missing items.   No peer reviews during the course, in the end the students have created a portfolio of their course design, about video etc. This will be introduced in the Course Introduction by Linda Make sureLinda Week 2 assignment: use google  the images are under a creative Commons license. Materials to be  searched here: form or a spreadsheet to share results Brian Week 2 quiz - at end of week - Linda/Brian Find video on student-generated content to replace the interesting but not related Duolingo video  Joern Introductory video: use hangouts on Air which is now YouTube Live, or submit a storyboard  Brian with storyboard help Use the Discussion of Week 3 in Week 2, Linda Think about a Discussion for Week 3 (Joern), in addition to the Comments on Tools in a separate spreadsheet Joern Week 4 Assignment: we will use the google doc (Project Planning) Brian Make sure to have public access to the videos: include them in the MOOCs4ALL channel, also to submit the results to the EU. Silvia Week 5 quiz to be uploaded, Brian Week 5 assignment (DISCUSSION): We’re not giving you an assignment this week, to make you think about: how far can students be pushed?  Janine Somewhere: add a new video for Assessment and Accreditation by Janine

Evaluation Report Dana - (remotely via Adobe Connect) Discussion on evaluation Are we evaluating the project or the MOOC? Assignments/Questions in between the content (?) The MOOC doesn’t teach you to use a particular tool Dana will approach the participants to identify who made secondary MOOCs

Idea or hypothesis of the project was that lots of people want to create MOOCs but think it is too expensive. The Locomotion project aimed to teach people that making MOOCs is not expensive. But it turned out that still not many people build MOOCs. What are the other factors influencing people to make a MOOC: identify MOOC making enablers. Dana’s reasons: 1. having an appropriate CLE, and 2. Problems with copyright laws. Prevent over-surveying learners. Linda is also looking at barriers for using MOOCs for learning in developing countries.   

The structure of the videos differs from teacher to teacher which may be confusing for learners, especially for novice MOOC builders List all outcomes from the project - intellectual outputs, e.g. material under OER etc. which is necessary for the final report as well

Marketing Plan for 3rd Delivery and Webinar Series (not discussed, moved to Friday)) We discussed that instead of a dissemination meeting we organise a meeting connected to the Berlin meeting to discuss why it is so difficult to built low-cost MOOCS. What are other the factors influencing motivation and activity of people to create low-cost MOOCs

Friday 23rd

Preparation for November Audit & Timesheets Review the list of outputs with Helga Geelhoed - Janine to organise skype meeting with Linda, Helga, Janine and Brian Discuss the evaluation activities with Dana. See the attached “Required Outputs” Include the challenges etc. in the narrative section of the report,

Marketing of 3rd delivery & Webinar Series Brian to include his notes here ALL to read those notes and include additions and suggestions MArketing plan document to be organised and distributed by Brian

Preparation for Final Report

List of required outputs for the Locomotion project

- A sustainable “Primary” MOOC, delivered twice within the project, on “LoCoMotion: Low-Cost MOOC Production". Done - Up to 100 other "Subject" MOOCs developed by participants (at least twelve will be developed by the four of the partner institutions) We only have control over the 12 MOOCs made by the participating institutions - OER from the Subject MOOCs We only have control over the 12 MOOCs made by the participating institutions - A published set of Open Education Resources on low-cost MOOC development techniques. Janine makes an overview of the guides and distributes tasks - Evaluation report on the Primary MOOC Dana / Bath Spa - Interim report on quality, effectiveness and costs of the Subject MOOCs that have been developed and delivered during the project. Dana/ Bath Spa with input from the project team since these MOOCs are in German and Spanish etc. - An "Extended Virtual Symposium" consisting of eight Webinars (live), short papers published as blogs and associated discussions attached to these blogs (Webinar recordings, papers and associated discussions will be available after the events as OER) Will be included in the third delivery of the primary MOOC - Final report on the Primary MOOC Bath Spa report?? - A single report on recommendations and guidelines on low-cost MOOC development methodologies (OER) This will include the reflection on why it is so difficult to make MOOCs, as a result from the Berlin seminar, what are the obstacles to overcome - A shared publicly editable document on recommendations on low-cost MOOC development methodologies, which is available for public editing and updating (OER) Use the results from the OERin the fourth bullet and propose a structure (Janine) Needs to be published - on wiki educator? (Linda) - A final report on the project itself. Brian/ Linda with input from the team Linda will distribute the template

As we feel that the world of MOOCs, and our view on it, has changed during the course of the project, we can explain the relationship with the results in the narrative

Points for the narrative

We observe that not many people build a MOOC themselves. Reasons for that may be: it is a steep learning curve to start from zero and to be able to create a MOOC after the course. This includes pedagogical knowledge, skills to use the technical tools, etc... The primary MOOC focuses on the specifics for low-cost techniques, but does not include all knowledge and skills to create a MOOC. Actually we focus on an extremely narrow target audience. When the project was planned in 2014, the global (or European) number of MOOCs was much lower than today, and the expectation for the number of MOOCs for 2016 was much higher than was realized Instead of a dissemination meeting we organise a meeting connected to the Berlin meeting to discuss why it is so difficult to built low-cost MOOCS. What are other the factors influencing motivation and activity of people to create low-cost MOOCs We reframe the first delivery of the primary MOOC as the “beta-test”, since we made three deliveries: the May 2016 delivery is the “First delivery”, the October 2016 delivery is the second delivery. The findings and results of the project are not only valuable for MOOC-makers, but also for the creators of other online courses

Berlin Meeting Joern - Location (Wednesday Brian - contact OEB organisers + potential guests (+ potential room) Theme “It’s easy to create a MOOC - so why aren’t you doing it?” Miquel - Description + web page