Making moocs on a budget/4th Meeting
Bielefeld Meeting Minutes - 18/19 April, 2016 In attendance:
Brian Mulligan Linda Hegarty Miquel Duran Silvia Simon Joern Loviscach Janine Kiers Timing of Webinar Series (O6-a1 15 minutes) It was agreed to postpone until the Autumn. In addition it was agreed that we run the MOOC a third time to coincide with the webinar series. Further development of learning object schedule (O6-a1 - 8 hours) This was worked on for the full day of the 18th. Snapshot of the output Assembly of the MOOC on Moodle. (O6-a1 - 15 minutes) Agreed that all creators/authors submit their learning objects to Linda 14 days before the date to be released. Marketing and Recruitment (O6-a1 - 4 hours) General strategy using a mix of direct outreach and mass communication to position the MOOC as a freely available, flexible, convenient support to people who either have an immediate need to develop a MOOC or are curious about using technology for scaled-up learning Outline plan discussed on 19th. Snapshot of draft recruitment tool. Agreed that timing may be tight to achieve high completion numbers for second delivery, but useful lessons may be learnt for subsequent deliveries. Agreed to develop document with key recruitment messages that can be edited/translated/distributed by others.