Making moocs on a budget/2nd Meeting

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LoCoMotion meeting 07MAY15

Present: Grainne, Sylvia, Miquel, Brian, Janine

First course offering will be a pilot (beta) and will be light (can be increased if necessary). Students will be asked to contribute. Deficiencies are Learning Opportunities. Course start date: Tuesday June 23.

Identify quality assurance and evaluation criteria at the start of the MOOC, so we can develop a MOOC with those in mind

Accessibility is relevant and important

Overall Learning Outcomes (to be reworded to proper Learning Outcomes): -understanding and awareness of all issues involved in developing a MOOC -knowledge on which elements and techniques to use -knowledge of the issues involved in the items Tools & Techniques Pedagogy Institutional Assessment (Identify the challenges of developing MOOCs: be able to provide arguments to obtain your institutions’ support)

Assessment: Assignment 1     Deliver a one-page design for your MOOC Assignment 2     Submit the project plan to prepare and offer your MOOC

Student effort 4 – 6  hours/week Roughly 30 minutes of video per week, closed questions, discussion forum First offering: simple structure, cMOOC & xMOOC combined, Point students to a few tools and ask the students to share (and explain?) other tools (in a google doc?) “We are looking forward to learners’ contributions to share their experience” (heterogeneous population) Idea is to involve experienced or critical MOOC makers to participate  

Kate Reynolds = dean of Education may pop in

Week 1: Introduction (Brian & Janine) Activate the students by asking them what challenges the perceive in developing a MOOC Orientation, Why (not to) develop MOOCs, Issues Janine: Introduction to the platform and planning All: Introductory video Brian: Why this course Explain that we start with video because the human mind works from the specific to the general, and then discuss pedagogy in the third week. Low production cost means it is easier to discard a video when the value is poor.

Week 2: Tools & Techniques (Joern)

Week 3: Pedagogy (Silvia & Miquel) Includes OER

Week 4: Institutional Services (Brian) Lean workflow: the institution provides a service to facilitate teachers to make a course in a lean way Institute provides a template from which the teachers may varies And other motivations for teachers to develop a MOOC If the purpose of your MOOC is to show off low cost may not be not appropriate

Week 5: Assessment and accreditation (mobility = recognition of credits) Describe the landscape: this field is in motion, unbundling of teaching from assessment, reliability of different forms of assessment, developments in the field, Lisbon convention says credits from other European institutions should be recognized, ASU initiative What students learn, developments, what is the low costs specifically: use other MOOCs in your institution (relate to OER), Testing centres What do multiple choice questions test, peer review, identity verification, physical examination “Accreditation of formal and non-formal learning” Quantify the risk in on-campus and off-campus

Evaluation Grainne: vision of the project, your role and what we get out of it Disseminate, stakeholders, competitors,

Webinar series in the next edition

    • check if video-stop for quizzes has been used in edX

About Page and

    • check with Mark if he can make a template based on Brian’s slide
    • check for music for the bumper
    • Prepare a video for eMOOCs2015 on Assessment & Accreditation by next Thursday

State the challenge, state some principal governing solutions, propose some solutions and ask questions to provoke discussion (“Will this work?”, “If you do this, will quality suffer?” Two-three minutes for clarification, one minute to enable discussion. Provide MP4 of video

MOOC videos are stand alone for reuse, every week starts with a connecting video. Make mindmap to see interactions Provide material for the blog “The making of…”

Remaining meetings in the project November 2015 in Girona (NOT on November 8-10 because of the edX conference) May 2016 in Sligo December 2016 in Bielefeld

Action Points Brian -draft powerpoint template for review -intro/outro or top and tail videos (few seconds) for review -licensing -handout for Barcelona for written feedback and names and email addresses -two-to-four minutes videos for EDEN due date 14MAY2015 -one-to-two minute video as introduction of yourself for the project -may come back on keeping hours after reviewing EU guidelines -prepare a clear schedule for the content development for comments

Miquel and Silvia -two-to-four minutes videos for EDEN due date 14MAY2015 -one-to-two minute video as introduction of yourself for the project -complete the google doc on course content -produce course content -write blog about today, about EDEN, include introductions, landingpage with link to registration page of the MOOC: “Please navigate to this course at to enroll.” -provide new university logo

Grainne -two-to-four minutes videos for EDEN due date 14MAY2015 -one-to-two minute video as introduction of yourself for the project -Evaluation by skype or hangout -Provide evaluation on the MOOC itself and on the project

Joern -two-to-four minutes videos for EDEN due date 14MAY2015 -one-to-two minute video as introduction of yourself for the project -complete/review the google doc on course content -produce course content

Janine -two-to-four minutes videos for EDEN due date 14MAY2015 -one-to-two minute video as introduction of yourself for the project -complete/review the google doc on course content -produce course content -check if video-stop for quizzes has been used in edX -check with Mark if he can make a template based on Brian’s slide -check for music for the bumper