Shorter Mahara Training Workshop

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Introductions and expectations.

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This workshop is designed to:
  • Develop your understand of how an e-portfolio can be useful to raise student achievement.
  • Develop your understanding of the features and potential of Mahara as an e-portfolio system.
  • Develop your skills and confidence in the actual use of Mahara.

Create a Blog

A blog is a a 'web log' or learning journal. To learn more about blogs, watch 'Blogs in plain English'

  • Go into your blogs area (My portfolio > My Blogs) and add a new blog called 'E-portfolio reflections'. Give it a description and some tags. We will use this blog to reflect on the e-portfolio learning process. In Mahara, you can have as many blogs as you like.
  • Add a new blog post answering the following question: "What's one question you have about e-portfolios?"

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How many different metaphors for e-portfolios can you think of? Choose one and explain why it is a fitting comparison.

Create a simple view

Go to My Portfolio > My views and click 'Create a view'. This will give you a blank e-portfolio (or view as Mahara calls them)

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Adding an image to Mahara

Create a learner (teacher) profile that contains the following things:

  • A two-column layout
  • Your 'most recent blog entries'
  • A text box that begins 'I enjoy teaching most when...'
  • A text box that summarises your current teaching role (subjects, year levels etc.)
  • A text box with some information about yourself
  • A photo of something related to an interest of yours.

Use social networking tools

Mahara recognises that learning is a social activity and is therefore built around the concept of social networking. In Mahara, one may have a collection of friends; may belong to one or more groups and may offer feedback to other people.

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Adding feedback to views.

To familiarise yourself with the social networking side of Mahara, complete the following:

  • Search for and find a 'friend'
  • Send a friend request
  • Share a view with a person (or your group of friends)
  • Add a 'Secret URL' to a view and email this URL to a third person.
  • Add feedback to a view that someone shares with you.

Extension: Create a group for a class you teach and set it up for them to become members. Video Create a group in Mahara

Use multimedia

One advantage that e-portfolios have over traditional forms of assessment is their ability to be used to showcase performance, particularly over time. Multimedia offers us an outstanding opportunity to capture performance over time. Add to your e-portfolio, either:

  • A Youtube/Teachertube video
  • An 'embedded media' video of something you have on your harddrive.

Note: The image gallery feature of Mahara 1.3 allows learners to present multiple images or videos in a single block.

Blog Entry Two

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Go back to your E-portfolio Reflections blog, click 'Add Post' and write a blog post answering this question: How is an eportfolio different from a clearfile/manilla folder?

Working with Templates

Video showing how to copy a view

Create a view for students to use as a template. Choose from:

  • Learner profile
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Learning journal
  • Goal setting template

The process for setting up a template is:

  1. Create a view you would like to act as the template, then
  2. Allow copying. Go into Edit View Access and tick the box that says 'Allow copying'. This will allow others to copy your view.

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Define the following words and phrases:
  • View
  • Artefact
  • Embedded media
  • RSS feed
  • Watchlist
  • Group
  • Secret URL
  • Friend
  • Block
  • Blog

Using an e-portfolio for staff professional development

Albany Senior High School uses e-portfolios to structure, record and share professional development.

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Create a professional development e-portfolio including the following things:
  • What you know about how to use an e-portfolio successfully with students
  • A folder containing at least two readings on effective practice with e-portfolios
  • An RSS feed from somewhere like Google Scholar, a blog or Twitter/
  • Links to three site that have tutorials on how to use Mahara (,,

Blog Entry Three.

Write a new blog entry answering this question: "What is one thing you can do over the next two weeks with e-portfolios?"