Learning Resources
Text Books -12028
Hand Books-89
Year Books-33
Indian -11
International- 03
Popular Magazines-17
Back Volume Periodicals
Economic & Political Weekly with chronological bibliography
(Issue -257 of 8 Vol. 8 from 2003 - 08 )
Reserve Bank Bulletin(1994-2007)
(Bond Form)
Advertising & Marketing (2001) -04
Competition Success Review (1999- 2005)-30
Harvard Business Review (1995-1997)-06
National Geography (1991-2002)-33
University News (1998-2007)-79
Repository Collection
Annual Report of University of Mumbai (1992-2007)
Prospectus and annual magazines of various colleges
Video talks
The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection : (Video talks): The collection provides immediate online access to over 1500 seminar style talks containing the latest research and developments presented by many of the world's leading scientific experts including Nobel Laureates
E Books
E Books (Springer) : Library has subscribed 456 e book in Mathematics and Statistics, visit the above link for access. (List of e books with URL)
Ebrary Academic Complete (Ebooks): Collection of more than 80,000 eBooks covering all the subject areas from Science/Technology to Social Sciences . Publishers include Elsevier , Springer , Emerald , Cambridge University Press , OUP , Taylor & Francis Sage & etc
CRCnetBASE:(Taylor &Francis) offers access to the world's premier scientific, technical and medical references . Jayakar library has subscribed 156 titles from this database on subject like Environmental Science, Chemistry Physics ,Materials Science etc (List of Book with URL)
Cambridge University Press ( E Books): Jayakar Library has purchased 460 e books in different subject from CUP. These books are accessbile online (List of E books)
Online Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science