Lori-Ellen Grant
Lori-Ellen Grant, D Acupuncture, D Body Therapies, RMT, MNZRA
Lori-Ellen trained as a massage therapist 7 years ago and more recently has qualified as an Acupuncturist. She has led seminars in NZ and Australia on Acupressure and is currently an undergraduate lecturer at the NZ College of Chinese Medicine in Christchurch, New Zealand. She has been an executive member of Massage New Zealand for the past 3 years and is currently the Canterbury Representative and the Regional Officer.
She also runs her own successful Acupuncture and Massage Practise (www.wholebody.co.nz), is a guest speaker at the Canterbury College of Natural Medicine and is studying Chinese Herbal Medicine.
She is passionate about learning, listening and exploration, describing her style of practise like being a pioneer…..what is possible? And she loves to sing, hike, run, sail, bike, swim and surf!
You can contact Lori-Ellen at health AT wholebody DOT co DOT nz www.wholebody.co.nz