Name of School: Chubikopi Primary School
Class teacher: Loiley Nonga
Year: 6
Lesson Title: Local Medicinal Plant Leaves
Date: 21/4/11
Learning Outcomes: By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to;
- Identify and name some of theMarovo local medicinal plant leaves used by our ancestors in the past that we still use nowadays.
- Write about the steps involved in making the local medicines.
- Recognise and value their local environment (especially the forest and its habitats)
Introduction Teacher introduces the lesson title by telling the children a famous story about a ‘Red Indian Chief’.
Teacher activities:
- Teacher share the Marovo Encyclopedia to the learners and together look up for medicinal plant leaves.
- Teacher divide learners into groups of 4.
- Teacher explain the task for the field trip.
- Teacher call for every group back to the classroom.
- Teacher share A4 papers to each learner.
Learner activities:
- Learners go into their group.
- Based on informations given learners then go outside to carry out the task given.
- Each group member brings his/her leaf to the classroom.
- Learners each received a copy of an Encyclopedia and try to look up for some of the common medicinal plants.
- Each learner writes about his/her leaf.
Reinforce the importance of their local environment. Pupils paste their work on the wall for class display.
Learner evaluation:
Learners realized the importance and virtue of their local environment and their traditional and cultural heritage.