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Issue 52 December 2009 Farmers in Burkina Faso GIS helps preserve A multimedia database use multimedia tools to livelihoods and conserve records the biodiversity of wildlife in Tanzania the Cook Islands teach fellow producers
Editorial Contents
2 Editorial
Survival of the most Survival of the most adaptable
3 Perspectives
adaptable Food security through diversity Cary Fowler
2 withstand future environmental changes. 009 is the 150th anniversary of the
4 Farmers teaching farmers However, many of these wild relatives
publication of The Origin of Species, Miep Lenoir face extinction. Scientists have to in which Charles Darwin outlined his quickly find and collect samples – theory of evolution. In the first chapter,
Opinion usually seeds – before these species
on variation under domestication, he disappear forever. says, ‘Variability is the source of all the
7 Eco-efficient agriculture The International Centre for Tropical
choicest productions of the garden’. This Andy Jarvis Agriculture (CIAT) is now using statement holds true today, as the geographic information systems (GIS) to variation in domesticated crops is still
Case studies identify locations where these vulnerable
used by plant breeders to emphasize species might be found. CIAT then enters desirable characteristics such as drought
8 Pastoralists picture land use the data into GPS devices so that
tolerance or pest resistance. Breeding for Massimiliano Rossi and Italo Rizzi collectors out in the field can locate the these traits helps farmers to maintain a plants and gather the seeds for storage. productive agricultural system and
9 A balance of life and livelihoods It is not only plants that suffer from
provide food security. And, to ensure David Williams the increased pressures on the land. In that crops can continue to survive the the Elerai region of Tanzania, the Maasai ever-changing environment, ICTs are
10 A base for biodiversity data communities felt their pastoralist
now increasingly used to record, Gerald McCormack livelihood was becoming increasingly monitor, promote and preserve constrained. One option was to give up biodiversity.
Q&A their traditional lifestyle and turn their
Throughout history, food production land over to agriculture. The community has steadily risen to meet the needs of
12 The richest natural resource was reluctant to do this and instead
the world’s growing population. Until Kwesi Atta–Krah sought a way to make use of the variety quite recently, that increase in of life around them. They collaborated production came mostly from the with the African Wildlife Foundation expansion of farmland. Then, in the mid (AWF) and used GPS receivers to record 1980s, more than 50% of the increase ICT Update important land features, such as the came from intensified agricultural location of households, grazing lands, production; using crop varieties that water points and wildlife numbers. provided a higher yield to get more from With an accurate picture of their land the existing land. ICT Update issue 52, December 2009. resources, the Elerai Maasai were able to In the Sissili region of Burkina Faso, work with AWF experts to develop a the Federation of Farmer Organisations ICT Update is a bimonthly printed bulletin with an accompanying web magazine plan for the region. They decided to lease of Sissili (FEPPASI) worked with ( and email newsletter. part of the land for the construction of scientists at the Environmental and Each issue of ICT Update focuses on a specific theme relevant an ecolodge, where tourists can stay to Agricultural Research Institute in to ICTs for agricultural and rural development in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, and includes feature view the wide array of animals that roam Ouagadougou to test fertilization and articles and annotated links to related web resources and the area. The extra income ensures that seed multiplication techniques for a projects. The next issue will be available in January 2010. the Elerai community can continue their number of crop varieties. The research Publisher: CTA Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural traditional way of life and, by making identified the varieties that would be Cooperation (ACP-EU). CTA is an institution of the ACP Group of States and the EU, in the framework of the Cotonou the area a nature conservancy, they have specifically suited to the environment Agreement and is financed by the EU. Postbus 380, helped to protect the movement of around Sissili. 6700 AJ Wageningen, the Netherlands. ( wildlife between a number of other FEPPASI then trained a group of Production and content management: Contactivity bv, connecting parks and farmland areas farmers to use video and digital cameras Stationsweg 28, 2312 AV Leiden, the Netherlands. ( that run across the border between to produce agricultural training Tanzania and Kenya. materials. The group of trainers now use Coordinating editor: Rutger Engelhard / Editor: Jim Dempsey / Copyediting: Tim Woods (English), Patrice Pinguet (French) / Conserving biodiversity helps to the videos and photographic images to Layout: Anita Toebosch / Translation: Patrice Deladrier / Cover protect livelihoods and can ensure that advise fellow farmers on improved Photo: Wayne Hutchinson / Alamy / Editorial advisory our agricultural systems can adapt and growing techniques for the new crop committee: Peter Ballantyne, Oumy Ndiaye, Dorothy Okello, Kevin Painting remain productive in the future. After all, varieties. Special thanks to Luigi Guarino, senior science coordinator at as Darwin explained all those years ago, the Global Crop Diversity Trust. Relative loss ‘It is not the strongest of the species that Copyright: ©2009 CTA, Wageningen, the Netherlands survives, nor the most intelligent that All of these new, domesticated crop survives. It is the one that is the most varieties originally came from wild adaptable to change’. And, without the plants. And these crop wild relatives, as rich source of diversity for farmers and they are called, are still a source of the plant breeders to draw on, our future genetic material that will allow for the This license applies only to the text portion of this publication. food security is uncertain. ■ development of crop varieties that can ı ı 2 December 2009 ICT Update issue 52 There are a small number of Technology also plays an important scientists around the world who role in the preservation of crop specialize in breeding crop varieties, biodiversity. At the Global Crop crossing one variety with another to Diversity Trust we are now using a try to combine them in a way that combination of technologies to create would make the crop good for farmers predictive computer models. If we to grow. This is because the modern know where a particular variety of
Cary Fowler varieties of most of our agricultural crop originally came from we can ( is the crops have a limited life-span. After a then predict some of the executive director of the Global Crop while they fall prey to pest or diseases, characteristics of that variety. For Diversity Trust ( or they don’t do so well in the example, if the variety comes from an
environment, or a new, higher yielding arid area then we could test that for variety comes along. drought tolerance rather than a
Food security through diversity W Crop yields have increased sample that came from a very wet or
hen people think of biodiversity, tremendously in the last few decades tropical country. they usually think of the and that is largely due to plant Computer modelling also helps us to
diversity of species, the range of
breeders using this diversity to create make climate change and development
animals and plants inhabiting the
new varieties. And while I believe that projections, which can help to pinpoint
world. In agriculture, we usually talk of
the world needs a highly productive varieties that are endangered through
crop biodiversity, which is slightly
agricultural system, it also needs one rising water levels or expanding urban
different. Farmers deal in domesticated
that is resilient and sustainable. The environments. The models would tell
crops, and the raw material for plant
variety of crops grown in the field has us that we have to quickly collect
evolution is the diversity within any
an impact on the long-term future of samples from that area.
given crop.
agriculture, especially if that variety These are early days for putting ICTs There are, for example, more than needs a lot of water, pesticides or to use for preserving biodiversity, we
200,000 different varieties of wheat,
fertilizer. are only now starting to take
and each of them has a unique set of
But productivity and sustainability are advantage of the technology. In the
characteristics. Some varieties have the
currently under threat, and agriculture is near future, we will be able to use
potential to produce higher yields
facing probably the greatest challenge of mobile phones and other
others may be resistant to certain pests
its history, a history that dates back to communication networks to offer crop
and diseases or be able to adapt to
Neolithic times. Twenty years from now, varieties to farmers in a much more
changes in the climate. This diversity
as our climate changes, it is very likely targeted way. We can use the
within a species, which at its most
that we will need new varieties of crops, technology to provide information on
basic level is genetic diversity, contains
varieties that we don’t have right now. the best varieties for very specific
the richness of traits and characteristics
There is going to have to be a massive conditions, and locations to give the
that the crop has to offer. It contains
effort to locate the genetic diversity in best yield and protection from pests,
the ‘options’ that the crop has for
our agricultural crops, the traits for diseases and the changing
future development.
extreme heat resistance or extreme environment. drought tolerance, and to move those I cannot imagine how society is into the plant breeding pipeline so that going to adapt to climate change if
Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Rex FeAtuReS / MARI teFRe / GlobAl CRop DIveRSIty tRuSt / Rex FeAtuReS Perspectives farmers have them when they need crops don’t also adapt. I cannot them. imagine how we are going to save the tropical rainforests if we have an Global solutions unproductive agricultural system. I This, however, is one world problem, cannot imagine how we can deal with perhaps the only one, that we can water shortages in the future if we solve. The enormous amount of don’t have a productive agricultural diversity that exists in most system, since irrigated agriculture agricultural crops is like a gigantic already uses 70% of the world’s toolkit of options for the future freshwater supplies. development of agriculture. We know It is not a solution to every problem, how to conserve that diversity and we but I think preserving crop diversity have the institutions in place to do it. can solve and certainly contribute There are now a number of important some answers to many issues affecting seed banks throughout the world that the planet today. We have the tools and preserve samples of hundred of raw materials for an agricultural thousands of varieties, and they are system that will guarantee future food backed up by the Svalbard Global Seed security, the question is: are we going Vault in the Arctic. to be smart enough to conserve it? ■ 3 W In four years, FEPPASI’s advisors and video cameras, to document the hen FEPPASI, the Federation of have trained about 2,500 farmers in tests of crops varieties in the field and Farmer Organisations of Sissili, innovative production, food processing to create training materials. started its activities in 1998, the methods, marketing skills, the Feature organization wanted to find out which Spreading local practices production of organic fertilizers, and crop varieties and production techniques techniques for the sustainable FEPPASI initially trained a group of 20 were most suitable for the specific soil management of natural resources, farmers as advisors, who could then go and climate conditions of Sissili using videos, photos and digital on to train and advise other farmers in province, in south-central Burkina Faso. presentations. For example, one photo their respective districts. Since the Until then, farmers depended on stream explains the step-by-step advisors are farmers from the same knowledge and techniques passed on process of turning yams into flour. area, the trust and acceptance levels orally from generation to generation, According to FEPPASI, the use of are very high compared to an advisor without having access to new these support materials has considerably from the capital city. This group of developments and innovations in the reduced the length of workshops and advisors were subsequently trained in sector, and without having the enhanced their impact. There are many basic ICT skills and how to use these to opportunity to experiment. success stories to tell. Monitoring and create training materials. Assistance from government evaluation data reveal that the farmers ‘Previously, people fell asleep during extension workers was not suited to who received training have been able to our training sessions,’ says Korotimi the specific conditions of the area, and double and even triple their yields. Barry, a former evaluation officer at their information was often outdated.
Farmers teaching farmers After researchers in Burkina Faso identified the best crop varieties for the Sissili region, a local organization, FEPPASI, introduced ICTs to inform farmers and explain new growing techniques. As a result, production is up to nine times greater than before.
In anonymous questionnaires FEPPASI. ‘With the digital camera, we In order to provide farmers with more collected in 2006, 2007 and 2008, can show images of the development in relevant information, FEPPASI started farmers expressed the numerous ways the agricultural test fields. In our a research programme in collaboration in which they had benefited. ‘I have meetings with producers, these images with the Environmental and found contacts online to sell almonds allow us to make visual comparisons. Agricultural Research Institute (INERA) and shea,’ said one. ‘I manage the We beam the images and discuss the to test different varieties of crops, production techniques to produce causes of the successes and failures of fertilization techniques and seed yellow and white corn,’ said another. the different fields. We also make multiplication techniques. One farmer, who now processes yams videos of the farming techniques and In one research project, for example, into flour, couscous and cake, has show them during the training FEPPASI tested 25 different varieties of increased his income by adopting sessions.’ corn, of which seven proved better business practices: ‘The products Barry adds that it was difficult to particularly suitable to the soil and are better presented through the use of convince farmers about crop varieties climatic conditions of the province. labels and I sell more.’ An impact study simply by telling them that their They started to promote these seven carried out by INERA revealed that, on neighbours in the other village varieties to farmers and teach them average, agricultural production had produced more per hectare. Now, with accompanying production techniques. increased from 0.5 tonnes per hectare images, people can visualize the Since 2005, FEPPASI has been testing in 2003 to 4.5 tonnes in 2007. improvements. The images make it the potential of ICTs to train farmers Sissili farmers have also used the possible to overcome the limited and to help professionalize their internet to develop techniques to select understanding of certain topics, a businesses. In that time, the and improve seeds from the best of significant problem given the high organization has managed to gradually their crop varieties. For example, illiteracy rate among the population integrate ICTs into its day-to-day producer Moumouni Niébié searched (about 80% of producers in this region working processes. They regularly use online and found an organization in cannot read or write). For trainer multimedia tools, such as digital photos Benin that specializes in production Mahamadou Korogho, the use of digital methods for yams. Niébié contacted content has become essential in his them and learned how to produce yam work. ‘During training sessions, I don’t
Miep Lenoir ( is a knowledge sharing officer seeds from fragmenting yam roots. To
feel at ease anymore without a further improve the quality of seeds computer,’ he says. ‘When I can show
at the International Institute for Communication and
used by its members, FEPPASI took pictures of exemplary productions, the
Development (
pictures of several crop varieties and participants applaud.’ ı ı
4 December 2009 ICT Update issue 52
ReuteRS / luC GnAGo member of an online exchange and However, these courses created
selected the best. Niébé’s corn field was
news group, putting them in touch expectations regarding equipment and
among the fields selected. He said,
with other farmer organizations and connectivity that FEPPASI was not able
‘FEPPASI selected a number of
federations in the country, and with to meet at that time, as it had a weak
producers who applied the new
external partners. When necessary,’ he and unstable dial-up internet
production techniques well, and guided
adds, ‘a farmer in remote Sissili can connection and only two computers
them to produce improved seeds, so the
contact his colleague in other areas to per centre.
other farmers have access to good
get correct information on cereals and In 2009, the dial-up internet
quality seeds as well.’
other products in only a few minutes.’ connection was replaced by a VSAT FEPPASI’s group of farmer advisors Also, the FEPPASI website and connection in Leo and Boura. As this
act as intermediaries between the farmer
newsletter ‘Sissili Vala Kori’ (Sissili connection is expensive, FEPPASI
communities and INERA. When disease
farmers’ voice) have increased the looked to recover the costs by sharing
affects a certain crop, for example, the
profile of the organization and led to a the connection with several other
advisor takes a picture of the plant and
greater number of contacts within organizations nearby for a fee. This has
sends it by email to the research
Burkina Faso and beyond. turned FEPPASI into an internet
institute. When similar pictures come
While FEPPASI initially wanted to provider, with positive connectivity
from different villages, the institute
create information centres where results, but at the same time runs the
knows there is an outbreak and can take
farmers can access relevant content risk of moving the organization away
measures to limit the damage.
directly, a different model has evolved. from its core objectives.
Management The telecentres, for example, are used
FEPPASI also expanded the by a minority of literate farmers to find telecentre in its headquarters, making
The FEPPASI headquarters in Leo, the
market opportunities and communicate seven computers available for
capital of Sissili province, and the two
with buyers and sellers on national and members. ‘Our connection in Leo is
district offices in Boura and Bieha (at
international levels. Illiterate members now often better than in Ouagadougou,’
about 50 km west and 30 km east of
– the majority – benefit from the says Joseph Dagano, president of
Leo respectively) are connected to the
centres indirectly through training FEPPASI. According to Dagano, a
internet. The three locations function
courses. farmer who is a member of their
as information centres where members
The group of farmer trainers use the organization is less likely to be
can use the computers.
centres to create and store specific misinformed or taken advantage of. In the first two years of the project, audiovisual content adapted to the ‘With the telecentre in Boura, the
FEPPASI trained about 150 farmers in
local conditions and based on local district farmer organization is now a
basic computer and multimedia skills.
5 Related links
Federation of Farmer Organisations of Sissili FEPPASI provides information and training to develop the skills of farmers, promote technological innovations in agricultural production, and assist farmers in the marketing of agricultural products. ➜ Environmental and Agricultural Research Institute INERA specializes in the development, implementation and coordination of environmental and agricultural research in Burkina Faso. ➜ International Institute for Communication and Development IICD is an international organization specializing in enabling people in developing countries to make use of ICTs to improve their livelihoods and their quality of life. IICD works in the sectors of agriculture, health, education, governance and citizen participation. ➜
FeppASI research. At the moment, however, four years. Joseph Dagano understood taken from network partner Sahel there is no central storage system for the importance of ICTs long before Solidarité. all the training materials produced. many others in the sector. When they Agricultural advisors from Trainers are reluctant to share their started to work with ICTs in 2005, government agencies in the capital city own materials with colleagues or farmers, as well as donors, did not did not know the specific conditions of online. FEPPASI will need to develop immediately see the advantages. An the area. FEPPASI decided to invest in an institutional policy on knowledge old anecdote that is often repeated in its own research and ICT training, and management that encourages, as well the organization concerns a donor who create its own training materials. The as guides, trainers and extension once said: ‘Farmers need food, not organization’s advisors look the same workers to process and share their computers!’ Dagano knew where he as the farmers, speak the same content. wanted his organization to go, and language, with the same accent, and Although the farmers are now initial resistance did not stop him. tell their own stories. Farmers are more growing the new crop varieties, their FEPPASI was able to integrate ICTs inclined to adopt new production increased production does not at its own pace, gradually exploring techniques from someone they feel is automatically lead to increased the possibilities and learning how to like them. Through improved research incomes. For that, FEPPASI also uses exploit them for maximum advantage. and training courses facilitated by ICTs to improve marketing and sales. In The project objectives set at the fellow farmers, Sissili producers are the last few years, they have assisted beginning evolved over time as improving the quality of their seeds farmers to collect data on their increased confidence gave way to new and growing new crop varieties that production, their costs, and revenues. ambitions. This would not have been best suit their province’s climatic and Having worked with ICTs for four possible from the start; the soil conditions. years, the next step is to create a organization needed time to These lessons show that the database that can aggregate the data incorporate the technology, build skills, successes the farmers of Sissili have collected in that time to make and discover how ICT tools can best enjoyed through FEPPASI’s work were projections and calculations of crops suit their interests. not purely a result of technology. It and productivity throughout the Networking with local ICT training was about having a clear vision of province. Based on these data, FEPPASI partners and other organizations has what the organization wanted to will be able to access credit for its also been crucial for FEPPASI, enabling accomplish and how ICTs could members through gathering and selling them to get technical advice, and share facilitate this, taking into account the their products in larger quantities. challenges and ideas. For example, importance of local trainers, locally they recently started organizing nightly developed content, local support, and Leadership events in villages to provide more the freedom to gradually change There are several lessons that can be information on their work, using a objectives according to new drawn from FEPPASI’s work in the past beamer and a generator, a concept insights. ■ ı ı
6 December 2009 ICT Update issue 52
Eco-efficient agriculture Our food system is built on the traits contained in crop wild relatives. Researchers are now using geographic information systems to help protect this valuable genetic resource. A species samples that have been collected ll the domesticated crops grown in Related in the wild. But the sad truth is that farms around the world today have resources many species have not been collected, evolved from wild plant species. But Opinion or are facing extinction in the wild due very few people give much thought to Gap Analysis of Agricultural to the loss of natural habitats. We these crop wild relatives, even though Biodiversity therefore need to make a concerted they are critical to our global food The Gap Analysis project is effort to ensure that we do not lose security. developing a system that will allow these vitally important traits, which can The peanut (Arachis hypogaea), for people collecting information on help humanity produce more and better example, was domesticated somewhere species diversity to know which crop harvests. in the border region of Paraguay, areas around the world, traits and Argentina and Bolivia by local Efficiency taxa are still unrepresented among indigenous groups around 3,000 years target CGIAR genebank collections. At the International Centre for Tropical ago. The new crop arose from the ➜ Agriculture (CIAT), we are now using fortuitous crossing of three wild species, gapanalysis/ geographic information systems (GIS) to each providing traits that were predict where important species might favourable for cultivation and human be found. Collectors can then use global consumption. Almost every crop we positioning systems (GPS), loaded with cultivate across the world has a similar the data, to locate the vulnerable species story. and collect their seed. The CIAT analyses Crop wild relatives are the foundation harvests. They include natural enemies have helped to raise the profile of crop of our agricultural system. And we still to agricultural pests and diseases, wild relatives and ensure that greater need them. They grow in the fields and which reduce crop losses. They include attention is paid to their conservation. the natural ecosystems that we see wild berries and fruits that can There are, for example, a total of 69 every day, but often go unnoticed. More provide communities with nutrition in species of crop wild relatives that are in recently, however, some people have difficult times. Yet we are losing a some way related to the cultivated started to take notice. great number of important species at a peanut. Of these, 17 species are under Crop breeders use wild relatives when rapid rate. significant threat of extinction from the crossing plant varieties to bring in novel CIAT have also been using GIS to expansion of agriculture in Brazil, traits that might, for example, introduce look at how climate change might Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia. Our greater resistance to pests and diseases, cause increased rates of extinction of analyses have demonstrated that a or provide resistance to extreme climate these species, and the results are grim. further 15 species are significantly conditions. The breeders use seeds from We predict that over the next 40 threatened with extinction from climate years, climate change alone could change. mean that we will lose as much as These alarming figures have brought 20% of all species – one in five wild attention to the problem and encouraged species. a number of national and international So what can we do about it? CIAT is initiatives. The urgent need to conserve working to develop eco-efficient species has led to the establishment of a agriculture. This is a vision for number of projects to collect seeds from agriculture where it continues to be species under threat, and to include productive and provide food and these species in conservation plans for nutritional security to all, including national parks and other protected areas. the world’s poorest, but at the same Crop wild relatives provide a unique time is efficient in the use of inputs opportunity to show the great value of (less fertilizer, fewer pesticides) and conserving biodiversity. Our entire food provides environmental sustainability. system is built on the unique traits that We need a productive agricultural they contain. For other plant and system to provide enough food and animal species, our analyses are nutrition, and we need to conserve the showing similar threats. We are losing wild species upon which continued natural ecosystems at a rapid rate, and productivity depends. It isn’t easy, but many important wild species are being we need to learn to value biodiversity.
Andy Jarvis ( is programme leader, decision lost. In doing so, we will ensure that our
These species include insect species
and policy analysis, at the International Centre for Tropical domesticated crops will have the
that provide a service to agriculture by
Agriculture ( resources to adapt and survive future
pollinating crops and increasing our environmental changes. ■ 7
Pastoralists picture land use A team of researchers combine maps, satellite images and participatory mapping techniques to develop an accurate picture of land use among pastoralists in southern Ethiopia
T balances on which their livelihoods are he amount of land given over to based. growing crops has dramatically Drawing a sketch map to show the increased in the last few decades, Case study Related resources of an indigenous community leading to a reduction of available resources became an important contact point grazing land in many places. between local knowledge systems and Pastoralists are restricted to grazing Enhanced Livelihoods in the the scientific world. This is particularly their livestock in smaller pastures, Mandera Triangle important because traditional which results in overgrazing and added The ELMT programme supports the relationships with the environment pressure on the land. Inevitably, some people living in arid and semi-arid have been so poorly understood and plants and animals can no longer areas of southern Ethiopia to move neglected in recent times. When survive in these areas. And, as the away from a dependency on working with pastoralists, for example, species disappear, valuable knowledge emergency relief to long-term the outlines gave researchers a better of the local fauna and flora is also lost. economic development. understanding of local perceptions In an effort to better understand ➜ about the status and quality of changing land patterns and preserve pastures, rangelands, water sources, indigenous knowledge, researchers are livestock types, the movement of using participatory mapping people and their relative pressures on techniques. Spatial visualization tools, the local ecosystems. such as three-dimensional modelling, But subjectivity and inconsistency in rural appraisal community maps, maps and satellite images. Women in spatial representation, especially when printed maps and even screen-based particular showed a great ability and considering a large area of land, meant computer planning exercises with accuracy for locating features such as that these maps were only of limited communities, can help to give an cultivated land and private enclosures. use when they were used outside the overview of natural available resources Men were more reliable in pointing out original village or read by non- and how they are shared among the administrative boundaries, while the pastoralists. The question, therefore, various land users. young livestock scouts could quickly was how to translate symbols on a Although these community maps recognize migration routes. piece of paper in a way that could be were often little more than lines drawn By combining the input of the understood by everyone. One solution in the sand, or sketches on paper, they different groups, the team was able to was to involve the communities in the played a key role in giving gather complete and accurate interpretation of high resolution communities the chance to express information on infrastructure, the satellite images. their needs and understand the delicate locations of wet and dry grazing areas, livestock migration routes, water Recognition sources and administrative boundaries, The Lay Volunteer International as well as detailed information on the Association (LVIA) tested this sharing of natural resources across methodology for the first time in Moyale multiple territorial units. and Miyo woredas (districts) of southern The team manually entered all the Ethiopia at the beginning of April 2009. data they had collected into a GIS The project used the same idea as (geographic information system) community maps, but substituted a piece program. They then produced a number of paper with geo-referenced maps and of posters and maps which they took remotely-sensed imagery. back to the communities to verify the LVIA identified four woredas, spread details. over more than 2,300 km2, and used The study area still has a wide 1:25,000 scale maps to carry out a variety of animal and plant species. series of participatory exercises with 15 Because of this, the government has different groups of pastoralists. In designated a large part of the study combination with high resolution region as a protected area, and it could satellite images, the community soon be established as a reserve. While members were asked to identify a the main focus of the research was to
Massimiliano Rossi ( is the project variety of features on the maps. preserve indigenous knowledge and the leader and Italo Rizzi ( is a project office The team discovered that after only pastoralists’ way of life, the results will
a few minutes of explanation, the
coordinator at Lay Volunteer International Association also improve understanding of the
pastoralists could consistently and
( needs of all land users and help to
accurately interpret features on the maintain a rich diversity of life. ■ ı ı
8 December 2009 ICT Update issue 52
A balance of life and livelihoods Faced with difficult choices, a Maasai community in Tanzania was able to get an accurate picture of their land resources with the help of conservationists and GPS receivers. S The project began in 2004, and an ituated at the foot of Mount develop an ecolodge in the Elerai initial priority was to find out exactly Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, and just Conservancy, in an effort to provide what resources were available on the 10 km south of Kenya’s Amboseli sustainable income from tourism. The Case study land, how they were being used, and to National Park, Elerai has a lot to offer ecolodge also gave the community an identify possible areas of conflict tourists. The region’s woodlands and interest in protecting the wildlife and between the wildlife and the local savannah are home to lions, cheetahs, the habitat. The lodge operators pay population. To achieve this, AWF leopards, antelope, buffalo and giraffe, an annual rent to the community, plus worked with the community and plus a wealth of birdlife. The land is conservation and overnight fees for technicians from local NGOs and owned by the Elerai Maasai every visitor. Under the lease government authorities to conduct a community, who live and tend their agreement, all unskilled labour will be resource mapping survey. This involved livestock throughout the 5,000 acres. sourced from the Elerai community, collecting data on the existing But with less access to open, and if there are any skilled positions, infrastructure and assessing undeveloped lands for grazing, the they will get first consideration. community land use needs. Elerai community face a difficult With the creation of the Elerai AWF trained community members to problem: do they continue with their Conservancy, the growing communities use handheld GPS (global positioning traditional pastoralist livelihood, which avoided a future of farming dwindling system) receivers to record the exact is increasingly constrained, or, like plots of marginal land. Instead, they location of households, water points, many Maasai, do they reluctantly turn are keeping most of their land open for grazing lands, wildlife sightings and the land over to agriculture? wildlife tourism and their traditional other significant features. By Fortunately for the Elerai community, pastoralist way of life. combining their local knowledge with there was an alternative: create a way Corridor advanced mapping tools, the resource to benefit from the wildlife they live mapping teams efficiently collected a alongside. By itself, Elerai could not sustain large wealth of data in a relatively short The people of Elerai worked with the wildlife populations; the site is not big space of time. In fact, more than 95% African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) to enough to be a viable conservation area of the mapping was conducted in develop an ecotourism model for their on its own. But the region’s high about six days. land, and turn Elerai into a density and diversity of wildlife depends At the end of each mapping day, conservancy. This included an on the ability of the animals to move AWF staff downloaded the data onto improved land management strategy between a network of adjoining land laptop computers and compiled the that has allowed the community to units. Although relatively small, Elerai results with GIS (geographic keep their land open for both livestock has added an important piece to a information system) software. Using and wildlife. matrix of public and private A3 printers, they printed large maps conservation lands that span the border for the resource mapping teams to between Kenya and Tanzania. review the next day. Community Elerai now forms part of AWF’s members helped to annotate GPS Kilimanjaro Heartland, which links observations and identify gaps for neighbouring national parks, privately- further mapping. owned land and community-owned land into a conservation network of Choices more than 7,600 km2. This larger-scale Following the completion of the conservation area, one of nine AWF survey, AWF collated and analyzed the Heartlands, secures critical wildlife data to present to the community. The habitats and movement routes, and community used the information to introduces opportunities for a more develop a land use plan, featuring sustainable tourism sector that respects management zones that will meet their regional cultural heritage. future land needs while also securing Perhaps more importantly, Elerai valuable habitats for conservation. The served as a conservation model that plan contained guidelines for the AWF has since replicated elsewhere. effective management of the zones, The success in Elerai has proved that which included wildlife and tourism, this approach, of combining wildlife cultivation and settlements, and conservation with the preservation of
David Williams ( is the director for livestock grazing areas. community livelihoods, is a viable
Armed with a detailed overview of
conservation geography with the African Wildlife Foundation alternative to the subdivision, fencing
their land, the Elerai community chose
( and expanding cultivation of lands
to work with a safari operator to seen in similar settings. ■ 9 GeRAlD MCCoRMACk / Cook ISlAnDS nAtuRAl HeRItAGe tRuSt
A base for biodiversity data For the last 20 years, the Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust has been collecting the details of the country’s fauna and flora in one multimedia database.
T regularly receives 1,000 visitors a he Cook Islands, a small island biodiversity database, probably because week, mainly from people in developed developing state (SIDS), has an there has been little international countries. The Trust also published the online database designed to record support for making such information Case study database on interactive CDs for schools details of its biodiversity: marine and available in SIDS. But in 1990, the in the Cook Islands, which have limited terrestrial species, indigenous and Cook Islands government supported a or expensive web access. introduced species, mammals and proposal to develop an electronic, The database presently records 4,500 plants, fungi and bacteria. multimedia-focused database to make species out of an estimated total of The country consists of fifteen small information on local plants and around 7,000 socially or biologically islands covering only 240 km2, but it is animals available, including related significant species in the country. spread over an area of about 2 million traditional and community knowledge. About 2,500 species (55%) on the km2 in the central South Pacific. Since then, the government has database have one or more images to Agriculture, mainly horticulture, brings invested more than NZ$ 1 million into aid recognition. The main challenge is in approximately US$ 15 million a the Natural Heritage Trust to run the to identify and photograph species in year, around 5% of its GDP. project. The Trust has one professional the field, which is where the public will No other small developing country is staff member responsible for collecting encounter and hopefully recognise known to be creating a comprehensive and collating information on local them. plants and animals. The Trust’s primary goal was to Recognition tabulate data on the social and
Gerald McCormack ( is director of the biological significance of a species and
It took many years of fieldwork, but
Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust. Visit the Cook Islands then list key identification features
the database, which is hosted at the
Biodiversity Database at along with a detailed image. This data
Bishop Museum in Honolulu, USA, is reasonably comprehensive for the finally went online in 2003 and ı ı
10 December 2009 ICT Update issue 52
TechTip Searching the Cook Islands species or taxa by name in one
larger or otherwise conspicuous
Biodiversity Database search
terrestrial species, but the lack of
• users can search across taxa for
available biologists to input data has
socially and biologically significant
meant that the detailed information is The search page on the database allows
groups, such as medicinal use
often inadequate for many groups. the user to find a species by typing the
• default results are displayed as
There is still an immense amount of first part of one of its names in Latin,
thumbnail images, which presently
basic fieldwork required on Cook English or Mãori. The species are arranged
cover about 60% of the species
Islands biodiversity. in a hierarchical system of taxonomy and
• the thumbnail zoom enlarges images Although it is not the purpose of this higher taxon names are also searchable. to allow more detailed comparison
database to record the location of all Users can input multiple names with
on the results page
collected specimens, it increasingly semi-colon separators to find multiple
• primary images are of live specimens
refers to a few specimens or species or higher taxa, or allow for
to assist with field identification.
photographs for each island to vouch spelling uncertainties. And, although for the claimed presence of a particular Cook Islands Mãori is often written with
species. In the future, collection points standard letters only, there is a character
• users cannot find species by listing
will be georeferenced and displayed on input function on the site to enable
or selecting their features
active maps. searches using orthographically correct
• voucher data is not georeferenced to The database entry for each species Mãori. enable active GIS displays
includes an image to aid identification
• users cannot currently contribute
and, where possible, supporting Searching for the taxonomic group –
images and other information.
secondary images, videos and audio butterfly or mammal, for example – works files. The image files are as small as well for most users trying to identify an
From the lessons learned in developing
possible so that they load rapidly in a unknown animal. In contrast, many large
the database, the Trust will launch a
web browser, but can still be viewed groups, such as the 1,200 local flowering
new, improved version in 2010.
well on a screen and when printed to plants, are not easily divided into
Registered editors will be able to edit
show the main species features. subgroups by the public. In the future, the
data online and general users will be
Database videos are also small, under Trust will develop a system so that users
able to add information at the bottom
20 seconds in duration, to make it can find the species by easily observable
of each species page, with the
possible for users to download them on features, such as leaf shape and flower
possibility to upload images and other
a dial-up or slow broadband internet colour.
data directly into the database,
although these will be moderated Currently, however, it is the advanced
More input before appearing online. search criteria that are perhaps most
The new database will be a major useful for the general public. These menus
The database had the advantage of
advance in the management, retrieval, enable the user to search for habitat,
growing slowly, which provided time
display and editing of data. It is based distribution, threatened status, medicinal
to experiment with many data options
on open source software and the usefulness or biosecurity significance. For
and to develop the search menus for
application supports editing via example, a student on the island of Atiu
different user groups, from
compatible web browsers on a variety can find the birds that are native and
taxonomists to biosecurity staff to
of devices, including desktop endangered in the Cook Islands and that
home gardeners. Over the last 20
computers, laptops, PDAs and exist on Atiu.
years, the Cook Islands Natural
smartphones. The system can also be
Heritage Trust has learned some
delivered as a stand-alone application Since most of the islands are a long way
valuable lessons and discovered some
from a computer hard disk, USB thumb from each other, the names for many
important strengths and weakness in
drive or CD/DVD. plants and animals evolved independently.
their biodiversity database.
The main work in the future, as in The database records and maintains
Strengths: the past, will be finding, identifying, these differences, and gives users the
photographing and uploading opportunity to select species names
• all biological groups are available
information on unrecorded species. But according to region. For example, on within a single database with more people able to contribute, Rarotonga, the White-tailed Tropicbird is
• searches are available for Latin,
thanks to the new database the Rãkoa, while on other islands it is the English and Mãori names, and names developments, the load should become Tara, Pirake, Pirake or Tavake Mokomoko. of higher taxa much lighter. ■
• users can search for more than one
An alternate results page consists of one line of text per species to provide a concise list. The list includes the scientific, English and national Mãori names, along with the family name and a concise English descriptor, such as wasp, fern, seaweed. The group descriptor is particularly useful for interpreting the diverse taxa found using the advanced search criteria menus. GeRAlD MCCoRMACk / Cook ISlAnDS nAtuRAl HeRItAGe tRuSt 11 Q&A Can those farmers help to conserve through breeding and biotechnology and biodiversity? Is the preservation of also through the age-old processes of biodiversity purely for scientists and selection by local farmers, is based on international institutions, like Bioversity agricultural biodiversity. International? What are the biggest threats to ➜ Farmers, especially small farmers, are biodiversity? And why is it important Dr Kwesi Atta–Krah crucial to conserving biodiversity. We that we do something to conserve ( is already know that small farmers conserve biodiversity now? deputy director general of more biodiversity than was previously ➜ It is very difficult to give a single Bioversity International believed. What they need is a good reason ranking for ‘threats to agricultural ( to do so, one that can counter the promises biodiversity’ because so much depends on made by big seed companies and the specific circumstances. In some places government ‘experts’. The efforts of farmers in conserving biodiversity need to be supported and
The richest natural resource complemented by national agriculture
research programmes and gene banks, and also by organizations such as Bioversity International. Why is agricultural biodiversity habitat destruction and conversion There is often conflict in many important? threatens crops and the wild relatives of countries between conservation and existing crops. Drainage, for example, or ➜ Agricultural biodiversity is a key natural agriculture. Is it possible, through irrigation, can displace the biodiversity that resource in the provision of food, fuel, promoting biodiversity, that the two used to thrive in those places. In other fibre, pharmaceuticals and much more. could exist side-by-side? places, the spread of new varieties, often Agricultural biodiversity also regulates the product of advanced breeding ➜ Conservationists have tended to see environmental variability, supports programmes, displaces traditional and farmers as the enemy, with a ‘fence important ecological functions, such as soil more reliable landrace varieties that everyone out’ attitude. But the fact is that formation and water cycling, and is an farmers have depended on. By the time the farmers, pastoralists, forest dwellers and essential component of cultural identity farmers discover that the old varieties may others manage a sizable portion of the and diversity. have been more reliable and resilient, Earth’s surface, and it would be much more All crop and livestock improvement, both they’re gone, unless they’ve been conserved constructive to work together so that somewhere. Development and growing farmers can conserve biodiversity. In this urbanization can also be major threats to way, farmers will help to conserve other life biodiversity. forms and ecosystems too. I’ve heard it said that intensive agriculture with fertilizers Why is it important to conserve the and other high tech solutions would leave biodiversity of crops in ACP countries? more ‘wilderness’ for conservation. But ➜ Some crop species are simply unknown what will the effect of intensive agriculture elsewhere. Fonio (Digitaria exilis) is peculiar be on the wilderness and on the to the drier parts of the Sahel. In the environment in general? Caribbean, there are hot peppers (Capsicum Could genetically modified crop species) that are adapted to the conditions varieties solve the problems of there, and often you find more different productivity and climate change we varieties in a single home garden in many might face in the future? ACP countries than in a whole country elsewhere in the world. These regions are ➜ I do not believe that genetically particularly rich in agricultural biodiversity. modified organisms have the capacity to solve the problems of productivity and Should small-scale farmers in ACP climate change on their own. Our genetic countries be concerned about resources provide the basis for how we biodiversity? adapt to the effects of climate change and ➜ In the simplest case, a farmer may grow other global challenges. Therefore, we need two varieties of sorghum; one in the to ensure that these resources are being bottom lands where it gets adequate water, used appropriately today, and also one at the top of the valley where it gets conserved for tomorrow. Where will the less water. Maybe sometimes it rains too raw materials for modifying varieties come much, and the lower one is washed away. from if not from conserved agricultural The upper one thrives. Or there may be a biodiversity? If just a little bit of the money drought, and the upper one fails. Replace and commitment that currently goes into those with a single variety that is supposed genetic modification went into research to be grown in both places, and the crop is into the better use of agricultural at risk from both floods and droughts. biodiversity, I believe that we would be well Having several varieties, and several crops, on the way now to truly sustainable food is a form of insurance policy. security. ■ ı ı
12 December 2009 ICT Update issue 52