Life Skills Development/Unit Two/Parenting/Assignments and Assessments

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  1. Brainstorm ideas/problems (e.g. teenage fatherhood) for a particular age using reading comprehension strategies.
  2. Discuss how to deal with one problem (e.g. teenage fatherhood) from the brainstorm, and prepare role-play (2-3 minutes).
  3. Research and comment upon the problem solving methods and necessary processes implemented in your country.
  4. Group problem solving on the following.
    1. Discuss and use ideas to present a short one act play or role- play.
      1. “My four year old child is so much trouble. Always asking why and so self-centred! What can I do?”
      2. “I want to be a good father, but I am so busy. I have no time for my children.”
    2. What are the qualities of a good father?
    3. What are the behaviours and the activities of a good father?
      1. You see some white powder in the backpack /messenger bag of your teenage offspring. What and how should you do, say and/or act to prevent your teenage children from becoming substance abusers?
      2. Presenting a positive element in family life e.g.
        1. e.g. “Mummy, Miss praised me today. My school work and behaviour have improved; take a look at my book.”
          1. Mother reinforces praise
          2. Mother encourages continuing positive behaviour
  5. As a parent/sibling, write a paragraph on a child-parent problem you would deal with differently explaining how you your behaviour would be different.
  6. Discuss parenting issues and record and discuss comments.
  7. Discuss legacy (parenting) and its importance and relevance.
  8. Share and discuss personal experiences with values and beliefs.

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What did I learn form the one-act/ role plays?

How can I apply what I have learnt thus far? Do I now have a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding parenthood?

Keeping track of new information is the best method of ensuring that the information is assimilated accurately and thoroughly understood. Additionally, using reflections and recall enhances your capacity to remember, thus your brain power. So, be sure to note the answers to the questions above, even if the answer is nothing at all.

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  1. List of the issues in the forefront of parenting based on discussion and research findings.
  2. Action plan of activities to put in action as a good parent.

Unit summary

In this unit you learned about

  • Constant application of coping skills related to parenting and family life
  • Advocate for abstinence and avoid early sex
  • Behave appropriately with peers and adults
  • Exercise parenting skills in the wider community when the need arises
  • Take responsible action to stop abuse by reporting and seeking counselling for children who have been victims of abuse

Checklists of Performance Task

1. Listing the main points / issues in the forefront of parenting based on readings and discussion

RUBRIC of performance criteria V. Well Done Well Done OK Not Ok- Will redo by ….
1. I have written two main points from the article our group read.
2. I have summarised the main points shared by the other groups in plenary
2. Action plan of activities to put in action as a good parent

RUBRIC of performance criteria V. Well Done Well Done OK Not Ok- Will redo by ….
1. I have stated six actions I would do as a parent- If I were a parent; I have given time frames for each action.
2. I have listed two actions that would be taboo to me as a parent
3. I have written how I would like my children to speak of me at my funeral.
3. Role Play – Interpersonal Relations: Parenting

(This checklist should be used for all role plays that are utilised for appropriate themes/issues.)
RUBRIC of performance criteria V. Well Done Well Done OK Not Ok- Will redo by ….
1. I chose a topic or theme that has a number of relevant concepts.
2. I identified relevant concepts using webs.
3. I selected a concept that involves a compelling issue.
4. I decided upon a key question about the concept/issue selected.
5. I listed possible viewpoints that might be adopted.
6. I placed selected viewpoints within a situation/circumstance.
7. I resolved the problem faced in the given situation/circumstance.
8. I selected roles for the trainees as well as the tutor.
9. I/We decided how I/We will enter each role.
10. I/We inserted some type of tension into the role play (e.g. conflicting priorities, a challenge, a sense of urgency, secrecy, a problem to solve, mystery).
11. We discussed possible ways the issue may be resolved.
12. I/We established ground rules (e.g. acceptance of diverse views, participation in group process quietly).
13. I/We kept within the required time frame.
14. I observed the role play attentively.
15. I shared (responded and discussed) in group discussion following the role play.
4. Debriefing or reflecting on role play on parenting.

(This checklist should be used for all role plays that are utilised for appropriate themes/issues.)
RUBRIC of performance criteria V. Well Done Well Done OK Not Ok- Will redo by ….
1. I/We followed established ground rules.
2. I explored/investigated the facts of the role play (5 W’s, 1 H – Who, What, Where, When, Why; How)
3. I shared feelings/elicited the feeling of others about the role play and included them in my reflections
4. I analysed the problem and explored the facts of the conflict, climax and resolution of issue.
5. I reflected on insights the role play and its solution gave to future possibilities.

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