Life Skills Development/Unit One/Training Methodologies

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The instructional strategies used for delivery of the Life Skills Development programme are appropriate for adult learning. An interactive experiential approach that also allows time for reflection, constructing meaning and problem-solving is best suited for the delivery of Life Skills training. Recommended instructional strategies include modelling and role play, case studies, group work, discussion, debate, story-telling, peer-supported learning and experiential learning.

Assessment of Performance Tasks

Performance tasks can be formative and summary effective and make problem solving intrinsic to the learning process. Rubrics are given, after being agreed to by tutor and trainees, at the beginning to the assignment, so that all know exactly what is expected of them. The process of tutor modelling and supplying samples is helpful to the trainee. Assessment of Life skills is largely qualitative and self and peer assessment is thus facilitated and both the grade by the trainee and that by the tutor/facilitator are considered for the final grade (Alfeiri, 2003).

Performance tasks require trainees to perform a task that can be used in real life situations. These authentic tasks suit Life Skills development as the various skills and concepts into life applicable situations. A finished product is usually constructed, demonstrating the trainee’s understanding of the concept measured. A life skills outcome may involve community action. The fact that a performance task is an activity prepared by the tutor to determine a trainee’s mastery of a group of skills and/or concepts makes the formal lecturer role give way to the facilitator, who plans with the trainee in mind as opposed to a focus on the facts and figures of the topic. The questioning process highlights the relationship and interaction between the tutor, the knowledge base and the trainee (Phillips, 2002). It is this change in the processes of planning and delivery that will improve the teaching/learning in life skills development.

Performance tasks promote authentic learning and can accommodate and incorporate many learning styles and multiple intelligences as it provides opportunities for trainees to express their creativity. This process encourages the use of higher order thinking skills and develops real life skills. It is a valid indicator of trainee knowledge and abilities and leads to higher retention rates that the lecture mode (Oswego, 2002)

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