Life Skills Development/Unit One/Heritage/Assignments and Assessments

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Exercise to find out about Africa/India/China before and after enslavement and indentureship.

  1. Create a large chart, dividing the chart into three columns and labelling the K (What I Know), W (What I Want to Learn), and L (What I Have Learned).
  2. In column K write what you know of Africa, China and India before enslavement or indentureship of their ancestors.
  3. In column W write what you want to learn of Africa, China and India before enslavement or indentureship of their ancestors.
  4. In column L write what information about enslavement and indentureship that you have learnt.
  5. In column A write what actions you intend to take to preserve and live the strengths of your heritage in your life (now that I appreciate my heritage more, what activities do I intend to take to preserve and live the strengths of my heritage).
  6. In the form of a brochure, speech, poem, drawing, and one act play, present the information that you have learnt.
K - What I know W - What I want to learn L - What I learnt A - What action I plan to take
Write what you know about Africa, India and china after enslavement and indentureship of your ancestors. Write what you want to learn about Africa, china and India before/after enslavement and indentureship of your ancestors. Research, Readings, questions to get information and clarify ideas.

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  1. What achievements and challenges existed within the history of Africa and India before enslavement and indentureship?
  2. Discuss the major contributions to one’s cultural heritage and achievements made by descendants of the Diaspora after enslavement and indentureship.
  3. Learn the timeline of events which occurred from a) the beginning of the enslavement and indentureship period, and also b) from enslavement to indentureship to 2005.
  4. Create a brochure on a self-selected heritage theme/person.

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  1. Perform a role play/dramatic presentation to demonstrate diasporic influences in religion, music, poem, folktales and culture.
  2. Either draw or make a costume or a backdrop for the wall, which depicts a specific interest of your cultural heritage

Portfolio Contents

  1. KWLA chart on information learnt about one’s ancestry
  2. Illustration of a timeline depicting Africa or India before or after enslavement and indentureship.
  3. A brochure on self-selected heritage theme/person.
Dramatic presentation of a play that demonstrate diasporic
Influences in religion, music, poem, folktales and culture.
Recitation of a speech depicting one’s heritage.
Performing of songs and dances of the chosen diasporic culture.
Drawing of a costume or backdrop for one of the walls reflecting one’s cultural heritage.

Checklists of Performance Task

1.. Exercise to assess knowledge of Africa and India before and after enslavement and indentureship.

RUBRIC of performance criteria V. Well Done Well Done OK Not Ok- Will redo by ….
1. I wrote what I knew of Africa /India/China before enslavement and indentureship.
2. I wrote questions on what I want to know about Africa, China and India before enslavement and indentureship.
2. Readers will learn the time line which depicted major time periods and the achievements of your ancestors in the motherlands before and after enslavement and indentureship.

RUBRIC of performance criteria V. Well Done Well Done OK Not Ok- Will redo by ….
1. I learnt the timeline which depicted major time periods, historical dates and events and interesting facts before enslavement and/or indentureship.
3. Reflections and Information on Africa/India/China

RUBRIC of performance criteria V. Well Done Well Done OK Not Ok- Will redo by ….
1. I wrote what came to my mind when I hear the word Africa/India/China
2. I listed what I actually know about Africa/India/China
3. I listened/read info and made notes on main points
4. I selected one main point that showed pride in African/Indian/Chinese heritage.
4. Checklist related to timeline after enslavement/Indentureship.

RUBRIC of performance criteria V. Well Done Well Done OK Not Ok- Will redo by ….
1. I learnt the timeline which depicted major time periods and interesting facts after enslavement and/or indentureship.
5. Readers can pick an area of interest and create a brochure/ description sheet/act out one act play/ recite a speech/ draw or make a costume/ do presentations on the diasporic influences that reflect their heritage.

RUBRIC of performance criteria V. Well Done Well Done OK Not Ok- Will redo by ….
1. I created a brochure on self-selected heritage theme/person.
2. I wrote a description sheet with the historical achievements before and after enslavement and indentureship.
3. I designed a backdrop for the wall that dramatically reflected my heritage.
4. I presented various aspects of my culture to demonstrate the influence of the time periods before and after enslavement and indentureship.

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