Legal Requirements in Tour Guiding
To establish a Tour guiding business, you need to follow legislation just like when setting up any other business. To begin with, it is necessary to identify the type of tour guiding business you wish to set up. For example, if you wish to set up a tour operating business, you need to meet certain legal requirements.
Who is a tour operator? A tour operator is a person who owns a business which transports paying tourists on scheduled itineraries. The tour operate usually own the vehicle used to transport the tourists. A tour operator may also arrange accommodation, transport and excursions for tourists. One example of tour operators are local tour operators, who provide services to domestic clients for tours within a country. There are also in-bound tour operators, who provide services to foreign visitors. Then there are outbound tour operators who provide services to local tourists who wish to visit destinations outside their country.
What are the legal requirements in tour guiding? 1. To be a tour operator, one usually needs to be a registered tour guide. You will first need to send an application to the relevant government office to register as a tour guide. 2. You will also need a Road Transportation permit. It is a legal requirement that any vehicle that carries passengers for reward shall have a Road Transportation Permit. You have to apply to the Road Transportation Board. 3. A tour opeartor needs a Public Driving Permit, which allows one to paying passengers on public roads. You need to hold a valid driving licence for the size of vehicle you will drive. You obtain such a permit from the Road Traffic Inspector.