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ERP Systems Class Assignments

PDF files Media:Erp101.pdf

Analyze the sales and marketing module. Which functions does the module offer? Which data does the module manage? Please document. Analyze the interfaces of the Sales and Marketing Module to other modules, Which are the modules interacting with the Sales and Marketing and how? Please document. A Case to set: A company XY (name it) would like to interact with new customers through mail and phone. A company deals with products which are configurable (please design your product line). A customer will express requirements on configurations in e-mail and a sales person need to record them in the system when an offer is generated. Customer should be able to express an interest in products offered independently from an order. A company has several branches distributed geographically. It has 2 warehouses which provide parts for the configurations. Some of the parts are developed by company branches themselves, some are taken from suppliers. Company management would like to have quarterly and annual reports about how offers, orders and interests are placed, analysis of the sales team behavior and prediction on future trends. The report should be made both, in financial terms and also in resources spent or used over time.

Analyze the finance and accounting module. Which functions does the module offer? Which data does the module manage? Please document. Analyze the interfaces of the Finance and Accounting Module to other modules, Which are the modules which interact with the Finance and Accounting and how? Please document.

Mobile Computing Class Assignments