Learning theories that our thinking aligns with

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(by Alex)

Lave - Situated Learning

Skinner - Operant Conditioning

Hull - Drive Reduction Theory

Mager - Criterion Referenced Instruction

Gagne - Conditions of learning

Bruner - Constructivist Theory

TIP database

what's the relevant design choice in this project?
what aspect of the theory, and how does it apply?
Lave: Situated Learning
what aspects of tsunami should be presented in this course
"Knowledge needs to be presented in an authentic context, i.e., settings and applications that would normally involve that knowledge." (Kearsley 2010) while hoping this is not a normal context for anyone, we're emphasising how the possiblity of tsunami should be understood as it affects their communities. Should we also keep in mind the social aspects of situated learning and try to incorporate group activity (for example, in the creation of a survival kit).
Skinner: Operant Conditioning
Probably mainly to do with games and quizzes in the course than with presentation of info. Stimulus-response in preparedness & survival activities is meant to reinforce students' capability to deal with real disaster event. Games and quizzes provide positive reinforcement for correct action and possibly negative reinforcement for errors (i.e. in the UN game - all the villagers die)
Hull: Drive Reduction Theory

Mager: Criterion Referenced Instruction

Gagne: Conditions of learning
Can give us a framework for structuring the course in terms of learning stages

1. gain attention; 2. identify objective; 3. recall prior learning; 4. present stimulus; 5. guide learning; 6. elicit performance; 7. provide feedback; 8. assess performance; 9. enhance retention/transfer

Possibly, these stages can be loosely repeated for each of the three sections of our course.

Bruner: Constructivist Theory
overall guiding principle?
"1. Instruction must be concerned with the experiences and contexts that make the student willing and able to learn (readiness).

2. Instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped by the student (spiral organization).

3. Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given). " (Kearsley again!)

Sternberg: Triarchic theory
***** Not sure if we need this one. What aspects of this theory can we use that are not covered by the other theories in the list?
Gibson: Information Pickup Theory

relevance of authentic visual clues to learning process