Learning in a digital age/LiDA104/Mass media/Image challenge

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The LiDA learning pathway image challenge is an optional activity aimed at improving creative skills and building confidence in using social media to support your learning. It is a way to connect socially with your peers through creative expression of the concepts you encountered during this learning pathway.

Your participation helps to build and support the OERu learning community.

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Learning pathway photo challenge
  1. Take a photo or construct a digital image illustrating your creative ability and interpretation of media literacy concepts covered in this learning pathway.
  2. Upload the image and share a personal caption or reflection on mastodon.oeru.org or Twitter. Here are a few ideas for the photo challenge:
    • Selfie of you using digital technology
    • Something that made you think about learning in a digital age
    • Free hand (self drawn) image or mind map illustrating relationships among concepts you are learning
    • Something you found valuable
    • Something you are finding difficult
    • Something you enjoyed doing
    • Something new you learned
    • Something old but valuable
    • Something collaborative
    • Something enjoyable
    • Other creative idea
  3. You must include the following hashtag in the text of your tweet: #lida104photo
  4. Include a personal reflection or creative caption with your photo - this will be the body text of your post.
  5. Share your creativity!


  • For more detailed instructions, see the LiDA104 image challenge.
  • Show interest, gratitude and engage with fellow learners by "liking", "boosting" and/or replying to LiDA photo posts you find interesting.
  • You retain the copyright of your images. Unless you specify otherwise, you agree to share your LiDA101 images under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license