Learning and Teaching in Practice/Module 1 portfolio

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Module 1 Portfolio Activities

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Portfolio Activity

Develop a learner profile for a group of your learners.
  • Prepare this in diagrammatic form and explain what it means on your blog.
  • Do you think your learning preferences impact on your teaching style?
  • Bring your views about learner preferences, learning styles inventories and your learner profile to the Moodle discussion forum.
  • Prepare a written reflection about the key points made in the discussion.

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Portfolio Activity

Choose a practical task such as riding a bicycle.
  • Could text or audio be used to teach someone how to do this task?
  • Is it better to show them visually, physically or some other way?
  • How would you teach this using learning styles-based instruction?
  • Add your responses and reflections to your portfolio.

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Portfolio Activity

On your blog.
  1. Describe which approaches you currently use to get a snapshot of your learners' literacy and numeracy skills.
  2. Share at least three things you have learned about your students' skills from using these approaches.
  3. Ask a question about something that is puzzling you about literacy and numeracy.
  4. Share this question on the Moodle discussion forum to stimulate discussion, and to alert the class to your blog post.
  5. Be sure and respond to others' questions and blog posts.

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Portfolio Activity

Mapping a task to the Progressions.
  • Go to this wikiEd page on "knowing the demands" of your course and explore all the links to the readings and media.
  • Choose a reading, writing or numeracy task you use in your course and 'map' it against the Adult Learning Progressions.
  • Post the mapped task to your blog.

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Portfolio Activity

Documentation re prior learning
  • Document your reflections and discussion about this topic on your blog.
  • What actions do you need to take to acknowledge the prior learning of your students?


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Portfolio Activity

Decide how you might use the Whanau Group method and four models:
  • to support your Maori learners and facilitate their success; and
  • for designing learning activities that acknowledge diversity.
  • Add your discussion about this to your blog.

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Portfolio Activity

Reflect on the material about Pasifika learners.
  • What can you do to develop rapport with your Pasifika learners?
  • How can you create a learning environment that is supportive for Pasifika learners' success?
  • Add your discussion about this to your blog.

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