Designing assessment

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In developing section 2 of the blended learning redesign plan, you probably generated some preliminary thoughts on how the redesigned course might be assessed. If not, don't worry!

In this section we'll revisit section 2 and complete the parts related to assessment. Lastly, we'll complete the final sections of the plan.


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Before you continue, review the material on Effective assessment.


Case Study: Emilia

Emilia's team has previously developed a draft plan of Content, Activities, and Communication/Interaction for each of the course objectives.

Now they move on to planning how each objective will be assessed. As they do so, they also have the chance to review and revise any of the Content, Activities, and Communication/Interaction.

Since the team is keen to incorporate portfolio approaches to assessment, they decide to integrate the assessment for several objectives. They also add in lots of opportunities for formative assessment so that the students get informal and formal feedback on their work. This is in the form of self and peer-assessment as well as formal feedback from the lecturers.

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Return to the list of objectives in section 2 and consider how each objective might be best assessed.

As you work through the list, you will probably find that the assessment for some can be integrated. You will also probably find that you will want to refine or change some of the details of Content, Activities, and Communication/Interaction that you decided on earlier - this is to be expected!

Useful sources:

Selecting methods of assessment

Completing the plan

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As a final step, you should consider some key aspects of what you will need to implement this plan and how you will evaluate at various stages to know you are on the right track.

  • Make some brief notes on:
The people involved in actioning the objectives.
Time, training, research

Operational strategies which are cost-effective, e.g., reduce travel, use synchronous onlie tools, workloads, working as teams, collaboration, energy and environment, discipline specific strategies.


In the analysis phase - processes such as Review are used. In the Design phase - get feedback on proposed activities, resources, etc from staff and students outside the project.

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Complete section 3 of the blended learning redesign plan.

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Portfolio Activity

Incorporate the evidence arising from your planning process into your portfolio, including:

  • The completed blended learning redesign plan
  • A reflective analysis of the planning process, including:
    • How you consulted others.
    • Problems or challenges you experienced.
    • How you might go about it differently next time.