LearningDesign:Teaching Transformation Geometry in Secondary Schools
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Learning Design for LearningDesign:Teaching Transformation Geometry in Secondary Schools
[hide]A Resource Package to Facilitate Teaching/Learning "Transformation Geometry in Secondary Schools
Teachers in Secondary Schools adopt various teaching strategies when teaching this topic. Some of them use concrete objects to build the concepts. Some others design activities(Eg:Drawing, Paper folding and cutting etc)for students to grasp the concepts. If we are going to use WikiEducator to facilitate teaching of this topic the activities need to be interactive. For example we can design Java applets to enable the students to interact with these applets and discover different concepts behind each transformation. Then we can design activities and worksheets to acompany these applets in order to guide the students to discover expected attributes of each transformation by themselves. Teachers will be able to act as facilitators and guide their students to use these on-line activities to construct their own knowledge.
Ensuring learners drive your design
Who are the learners/users/target audience?
This resource is mainly for the students in Secondary schools (Year 7 to Year 11). Mathematics teachers who are teaching in these classes will be able to make use of this resource as a teaching aid to facilitate learning. If the teachers can guide their students to select the appropriate area of the topic relevant to their level, it will be more effective.
What are the particular needs of this group? Often teachers use chalk and board to teach these topics and adhere to the text books. Some students are unable to grasp the concepts in abstract. Students need to interact with the objects to understand the real meaning of some concepts.
How are their needs going to be catered for in the design of your resource?
What is the situation in which most learners will use this resource? For example will they have access to computers, the internet, or will they need printed versions of materials?
Useful links
Learning activity
What are the overall learning goals/objectives for this resource or course? What changes do we want learners to show as a result of using the resource?
What types of learning activities are learners going to need to DO to achieve the learning goals?
How are we going to check that learners have achieved what they set out to?
What feedback will learners need to receive to know how they are going?
How are learners going to communicate with each other and ‘teachers’ while they work through the resource?
Useful links
Learning resources
What relevant resources and tools already exist that learners can use?
What, if any, new resources need to be created?
How should these resources be used?
What opportunities can we build in to encourage learners to discover and share their own resources?
What support will learners need?
Useful links
Teaching and learning approach
What philosophies or approaches underpin what we want to achieve?
Useful links
Using the materials
How do we recommend this resource be used?
Useful links
Evaluating the materials
What feedback would you like about the resource you have created?
How are you going to get this and when?