Learning4Peace/Solomon Islands/schedule

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Day One: Introductions and concepts

  • 9am - Opening remarks, with Hon. Rhoda Sikilabu, Minister for Community Affairs, Isabel Province
  • 9.15am – Welcome by Ellison Gito, Youth Coordinator, Isabel Province
  • 9.30am – Briefing by facilitator David Leeming
    • Intro to the project
    • Workshop objectives
    • Isabel ICT facilities and capabilities
    • Definitions
  • 10.00am – 1030am, Activity 1

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Participants get 5 minutes to write on a card the following, and then 2 minutes each to feedback to the group

  • Name and role
  • Up to 3 words that summarise your expectations for the workshop
  • Suggest an appealing Isabel Youth focused name for the network

  • 10.30am Refreshment
  • 10.45am – 12.30am, Activity 2

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Participants’ experience and expectations

Group work

  • How well are the FM stations working?
    • What kinds of programming are being broadcast?
    • How is the community responding to the FM radio?
    • What problems have been experienced?
  • How can we improve networking for youth and women using the ICT?
  • Rapporteurs present feedback to the workshop

  • 12.30am – 1.30pm, Lunch break
  • 1.30pm – 3.30pm, Activity 3

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Identifying priority themes for Youth Networking

Group work. Some initial suggestions will be presented by the facilitator during the introduction to this activity.

  • How can we link the project to the Youth Policy Action Plan?
  • What are the top ten priority themes (in order) for the Isabel Youth Network project?
  • Can you suggest some ways in which all the participants can collaborate to develop ideas for educational resources based on these themes?
  • Can you think of one or two good ideas for the educational materials that will be produced, with the FM community radio network playing a key role in dissemination?
  • Present feedback to the workshop.
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Tip: We will be looking at the technical side of collaborating and producing educational content at Guguha tomorrow, so we do not expect you to have the complete solutions ready now, but this activity is designed to get you thinking.

  • 3.30pm – Tea break
  • 3.45pm – 4.30pm, Discussion

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Consolidating our thoughts from Day 1

The facilitator will:

  • Lead a discussion to summarise and prioritise the ideas and recommendations from Day 1.
  • Introduce some ideas for technical solutions, which we will experience hands-on tomorrow.

Day Two: Collaborating with ICT

  • 8am - Meet at wharf and travel to Guguha
  • 9.30am – Tour of the DLC by Paul Tauriki, Supervisor, Guguha DLC
  • 9.45am – Briefing by facilitator David Leeming on today's activities
  • The activities will be carried out throughout the day, with lunch at midday
  • 4.00pm – travel back to Buala

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The objective of today is to be familiarised with different ways of collaborating with ICT

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It is not intended to train you to be experts in one day. There will be at least three experts available to help during the workshop, and the email station and DLC operators, and the Youth members selected by the Coordinators will facilitate during the project. Even with no computer experience you will gain awareness of the techniques.

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Gmail and Google Groups

Gmail allows you to set up a free email account, which can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection. The mail is stored online, not on the computer. Therefore it's convenient if you don't have your own computer.

Google Groups are “email lists” with a particular purpose or membership. People can join a list, and then when they send a message, everyone on the list will receive it.

We will have 8 laptops between us; it will be sufficient to work in pairs.

  • Each participant create a Gmail email account
  • Join the Isabel Province Youth Network Google Group
  • Practice sending messages to the list

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Chat and Forums: the Solomon Islands Moodle

Chat is a synchronous collaboration method. People in the “chatroom” type and all others can see what you submit, and can reply. You need Internet connection.

Forums allow specified topics to be discussed. You need Internet to submit, but submissions can be forwarded from email stations and submitted at Guguha by a Youth volunteer.

We will use the Solomon Islands SchoolNet Moodle – a learning management system set up by DLCP. We can also use this to share documents and audio files.

  • Each participant log on
  • Practice using Chat
  • Set up some topics on the Forum and parctice

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A Social Network site for Isabel Youth

A “Ning” is just one of many free services on the Internet. Anyone can create a “social network”, give it a name and then invite members. Members can leave messages, upload files including video and audio, and share and discuss points of mutual interest. This is a bit like what we did with Moodle but it has some different features and is more “public” than the Moodle.

A Ning has been created for Isabel Province Youth Network.

Group work

  • Subscribe to the Ning
  • Update your profile
  • Practice using the features

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Demonstration of a the 3C synchronous interactive collaboration platform

Distance learning and collaborating sometimes requires people to be online. DLCP has arranged with a Taiwanese University to use their “3C” Cyber Collaborative Classroom system. Experts in distance learning from Brisbane will be involved in the demonstration.

Day Three: Collaborative educational resource development

  • 8am - Meet at wharf and travel to Guguha
  • The activities will be carried out throughout the day, with lunch at midday
  • 4.00pm – travel back to Buala

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The objective of Day 3 is to be introduced to two methods of creating educational resources using the ICT

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Creating and editing audio content using Audacity

Audacity is a fully featured audio editing suite, which can be used to make recordings using a computer, and mixed and edited for a FM radio broadcast.

  • Practice recording voice
  • In pairs, choose a topic and record a short interview (role play)
  • Record a short “podcast” about yourself
  • Import a music mp3 file
  • Mix the final product
  • Upload to the Ning

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Intro to the Wikieducator

The Wikieducator is COL's flagship online tool to support open educational resources. It allows any educator to create wiki (web) pages with text, images and multimedia, and others to contribute and collaboratively develop the pages as open educational resources.

It is envisaged that contributions to wiki-based resources from other locations on Isabel can be emailed via the PFnet stations.Examples of wiki pages produced by the project could be scripts or programming notes for broadcasts, success stories of Isabel Youth, song lyrics, and many others.

The Wikieducator will allow collaborating organisations in Honiara and even overseas to contribute to their development.

It will only be possible to get a brief introduction, as a 3-day course is normally needed. However, the Wikieducator has online tutorials for those who wish to teach themselves. Paul Tauriki, Guguha DLC Supervisor, is a trained Wikieducator user and will be able to train others.

In pairs, the participants can:

  • Register
  • Create a User Page and add some facts about themselves
  • Start a new page for an interesting educational resource idea

Day Four: Participatory planning for Phase 2

Today will be back at the Diocese workshop room, Buala

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Discussion led by facilitator
  1. Summary of ICT facilities that participants experienced the last two days, capabilities and limitations
  2. Some questions that need to be addressed today
    • Who are the learners?
    • What resource people, organisations and or partners need to be involved?
    • What are their roles?
    • How will the programme use face-to-face communication to reinforce the broadcast content? For example
      • Listener groups that meet in the community
      • Learner groups that meet at the FM station
    • How can we benchmark our goals?
      • Youth Policy Action Plan
      • Other indicators
    • What are the success factors? For example
      • Commitment from the radio management to provide the time
      • Contributions from partners

During the discussion, the flip charts will be used to define "nodes" in the network and the roles of persons assigned to them (i.e. XYZ email station, Guguha DLC, NGO in Honiara, etc). These will be hung on the walls to aid the following activity.

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Developing the learning framework

Group work. In this activity, participants will use a case study to analyse the process whereby the Youth network will collaborate to discuss and develop an educational resource.

  • Choose a topic from the project themes
  • Decide on one or more specific educational resources that will be developed by the Youth Network
  • For each, work out the chain of human and ICT networking interactions that are needed
    • Identify the roles of various persons
    • Identify how the collaboration will be driven and agreement reached on milestones
    • Identify how the product will be disseminated
    • Identify how the learning will take place and measured
    • Write down any problems and issues identified

The aim will then be to map out a framework for the selected subjects. Some examples can be given, i.e. as below

Example learning framework

Need Learners Objectives Resource persons Educational resource to be developed How learning takes place
To sensitize and eliminate violence among young people 10 – 16 years (male and female students)
  1. Explore implications of crime and violence to the person, to society, to the family
  2. Sensitize your public to negative effects family and society
  3. Highlighting positive alternatives to violence
Parents, PTA, ex-offenders, police, social clubs, NGOs (identify), government agencies, church
  • Audio broadcast with .... XYZ
  • Burn CDs and broadcast on all FM stations
  • Listening groups
  • Feedback emailed to Guguha
  • etc

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This activity will be a discussion, to reflect on the following questions and decide if they have been satisfactorily addressed.

  • What is a community learning program
  • What is to be learned
  • Who are the learners
  • How will the learning take place
  • How can we identify the curriculum
  • What is the range of media available
  • How will the community will network and collaborate
  • How will we develop the learning resources
  • What will the learning framework look like
  • Roles, resources and financial sustainability
  • What are the best techniques in Community Radio