[hide]Instructions for Day 1
Hallo everyone,
Welcome to our 45th online Learning4Content workshop. You are now part of the worlds largest attempt to build wiki skills in the formal education sector.
This is a wiki workshop, so all our instructions and activities will be conducted in WikiEducator. Each day, we will send you an email with the instructions for the day's activities which you are free to complete at your own pace and at a time which suites your personal schedule. (Or you can just visit the course homepage on the wiki). You should be able to complete the activities assigned for each day within 15 to 20 minutes -- so this is not too onerous. If you get stuck - just ask -- our motto is: Just try it -- our community will support you!
Day 1 is pretty relaxed, and you will find the instructions and assignment for the first day of the workshop from the course homepage in the wiki:
1) Day 1, Be bold try an edit. See: http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Home (see under the course materials box) BOOKMARK THIS PAGE IN YOUR BROWSER NOW. 2) Alternatively you can go to the course schedule page in the wiki, See: http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Workshop_schedule 3) You have one easy assignment today -- that is to introduce yourself in the wiki (instructions provided under the course materials for Day 1). If you get stuck, don't worry it will make sense as you progress. 4) If you're keen on attending a live session -- Ben Stewart your facilitator will be hosting these -- Check out the Live session section on our course schedule page: http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Workshop_schedule
Wiki's come with a health warning -- they can be addictive, but we're going to have lots of fun. Let's make OER futures happen for the world!
Cheers Your facilitators and the OER Foundation.
Benjamin Stewart (Lead facilitator), Mexico, and our co-facilitators: Nadia El Borai (Egypt/Japan), Vincent Kiza (Uganda).
Note: Once our registrations for this workshop are confirmed, you will receive your daily instructions through our Moodle server for this course.
Instructions for Day 2
Hi Everyone
A special word of welcome to folk who joined us today. You can still invite friends to join us -- shouldn't take more than 15 or 20 minutes for new arrivals to catch up -- the advantage of flexible teaching and learning across multiple time zones smile. WE are here to share knowledge -- so spread the word and give the gift of knowledge -- point your friends to this link:
This email provides a copy of the instructions for Day 2 (your Thursday) of our workshop in your inbox. Note that all instructions are linked from our workshop home page -- http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Home (Bookmark this page in your browser) -- (Remember: if you missed earlier instructions, you will find copies of all activities for the previous days posted in the "Announcements Box" in the wiki.
We see folk are making great progress with the activities for Day 1 ahead of time (in many parts of the world) and experimenting. Well done!
Get to know your fellow participants and read the introductions posted so far (see: http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Introductions). Wiki's are about experimentation -- be bold and have a bash at posting your own intro. Don't worry - - you can't break anything, if you do, WE can fix it (we promise). Wiki's keep a record of every edit -- so its easy to fix mistakes.
An early heads up -- there are community Kudos awards for the participants with the highest number of edits during the workshop -- so get started!
Day 2 is pretty relaxed -- you will learn more about the amazing world of wikis. Watch our short video introduction and follow the instructions posted in the wiki.
Your assignment for Day 2 is to post ideas and thoughts in the discussion on quality in open authoring systems. You'll find step-by-step instructions for Day 2 listed on the course schedule page:
Don't forget to sign up for the live session Benjamin will be presenting today (see page above for details).
Remember, you can also access the course materials directly from the home page for this workshop:
WE'll c u in the wiki smile
Your international facilitation team.
Instructions for Day 3
Hola everyone.
A special word of welcome to all participants who have just joined the workshop -- you are now part of the world's largest initiative to build wiki skills for education.
Friday's activities are purposefully designed to create a gap for those who may need a little time to catch up on the first two days work
It's great to see folks introducing themselves in the wiki
http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Introductions Don't be shy -- join in and get your feet wet. Don't be missed by your absence.
If you get stuck -- just post your question in the wiki here:
Today we will show you how edit your user preferences and ask you to complete our New user survey -- shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes. See:
http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Workshop_schedule (Click on the link for Day 3).
Remember the best page to keep track and keep up to date with the workshop is the course homepage:
Cheers Your international facilitation team: http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Facilitators
PS - If you missed our live session today -- you can view the recording here:
Instructions for Day 4
Kia ora everyone!
We trust that you had a good weekend and see that a number of participants used the opportunity to catch up after a busy week.
Today we'll start experimenting with basic wiki editing on your user page. You will learn how to format text using using bold, italics, lists headings and subheadings. The idea is that you will demonstrate these skills on your user page or sandbox and qualify for your first community certification in WikiEducator
It's quite easy using the rich text editor. After today's session you will have covered the skills for your first wiki certification.
You will find a link to the instructions for Day 4 in the course material box of our home page:
http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Home The best way to practice your wiki skills is to find a task or wiki project relating to your real working life. We've posted a few ideas for you to think about and encourage you to sign the optional learning contract. Look forward to hearing your thoughts in the wiki!
Do take a look at the participant introductions to meet your fellow participants and if you haven't had a chance to post your introduction -- there is no better time than now!
http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Participants Start working on increasing your edit count in WikiEducator -- we have a community kudos prize for the participant (and facilitator) with the highest edit count during the workshop.
Have a great day! Your international facilitation team. http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Facilitators
Instructions for Day 5
Hi Everyone.
These instructions are for your Tuesday. I see that our cohort are making good progress judging by the edit counts.
- Congratulations to those participants who now have the WikiEducator community kudos and status of a Level 1 WikiApprentice
- Visit our participant list to see who is leading the edit count for this workshop
You should use the skills you learn each day to add information to your user pages. Visit the participant list page and click on the user page links to see what your classmates are doing. What is your edit count so far?
See: http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Participants Day 5 of our workshop will help you to create internal and external links and show you how to create a new page in the wiki. You'll find a link to the instructions for Day 5 on our course home page:
http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Home We all have busy schedules, and if you've fallen a little behind - don't worry. It's pretty easy to catch up and Day 5 (Tues) is not as onerous as Day 4 (Mon) - so ample time to catch up. If you have any questions feel free to post these in the wiki. WE are here to help.
CU in the wiki
Cheers Your international facilitation team. http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Facilitators
Instructions for Day 6
Hi Everyone
These instructions are for Day 6 (Your WEDNESDAY). If, for example you live on the West coast of America, Hawaii or Samoa -- you receive these instructions typically one day in advance -- count yourselves lucky!. If you live in parts of the world that have seen the future that has already happened (e.g. New Zealand) you get these instructions in your inbox on the appropriate morning. Please recognise that we span 24 time zones in this workshop and the OER Foundation is not responsible for where your country was placed in terms of the international time zones!
Today you will learn how to upload and manipulate images in WikiEducator. After completing today's activities you can qualify for your 2nd community wiki certification. Please refer to the course contents box from your home page for Day 6:
http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/HomeIf you have missed out on a day or two's activities -- not too worry. This is a flexible workshop and all the activities and course materials are accessible from the course page. If you can find an hour or two, you should quite easily be able to catch up and join the leader's board for the highest number of edits during the workshop
As you know, WikiEducator is a free content project - - therefore we can only use images which use open content licenses. (You can read more about free content here: http://wikieducator.org/Wikieducator_tutorial/What_is_free_content .)
I recommend that when you are practising to upload of images -- choose a photograph which you took. This means you can legally license the content under an open content license. You will asked to choose a license and select a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) or Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license (CC-BY-SA). We don't have enough time in the workshop to cover all the detail on licensing -- that's for an intermediate level course.
In the beginning images may be a little confusing -- remember when uploading images, in most cases the image resides on your local machine and there is a process required to upload this to the WikiEducator servers before they can be viewed by other internet users. It will make sense when you give this a try -- If you get stuck just ask us in the wiki discussion area -- we are here to help.
Have fun and we look forward to awarding your next WikiEducator certification! (In a day or three depending on where you reside
Cheers Your international facilitation team. http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Facilitators
Instructions for Day 7
Hi everyone
These instructions are for your Thursday.
Congratulations to all our participants who are well on their way to achieving their 2nd wiki certification. You're almost there -- in most cases you just need to practice how to insert and manipulate images (use your sandbox to practice image manipulation).
Many educators have questions relating to open editing in wikis -- particularly if someone else makes a change on your page. Today we will learn how you can monitor edits and how to revert edits.
A side note for anyone who may have fallen a little behind, don't give up, the finishing line is in sight! Besides, today is a little more relaxed so use this time to catch up on images. To be fair, images are perhaps the most complicated aspect in the wiki because it involves uploading files to the WikiEducator server. Once you have mastered images you are well on your way to achieving success!
You'll find a link to the instructions for Day 7 from our course homepage:
http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/HomeDo take a look at the growing number of collaborative project ideas --- jump in an help where you can.
Working together we achieve far more than working along.
Cheers Your international facilitation team. http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Facilitators
Instructions for Day 8
Hi Everyone
Wow -- its Friday already (for some of us reading this email in the Pacific region. If not -- the future will happen for you soon -- that's a promise!)
We see quite a few User pages taking shape in the wiki -- We're impressed. Some participants still need to practice their images
In the near future I suspect we may see a growing number of of our members receiving the global Userpage Expo (UPE) award from eL4C41: http://wikieducator.org/UPE
We're in the process of reviewing your user pages to see who has achieved their 2nd wiki certification -- celebrate your achievements.
Today we'll have a look at how you can leave a message on the talk page in the wiki (that is the real discussion page associated with every wiki page). Have a bash and leave a message for one of the course participants. You will find the instructions under the course contents box on our homepage:
http://hn.wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/HomeNext week we'll take things easy and we will show you a cool feature to convert existing lesson plans or resources in standard word processing format into wiki syntax for sharing among educators around the world.
They say that sharing is caring
Cheers Your international facilitation team. http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Facilitators
Instructions for Day 9
Hi Everyone,
Hope you had a great weekend! The activity and levels of commitment from participants (& facilitators) in this workshop have been impressive. Some participants over the weekend have been catching up and polishing their user pages -- well done!
Today (your Monday) we'll demonstrate a unique feature of the WikiEducator website. WikiEducator provides a web service to convert documents into wiki text -- a great feature if you want to prepare texts offline or have existing teaching resources you would like to donate to our project.
You will find a link to the instructions for Day 9 under the Course Content section on our home page:
We look forward to seeing your contributions in the wiki!
Have a great day!
Cheers Your international facilitation team. http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Facilitators
Instructions for Day 10
Hi Everyone,
These instructions are for your Tuesday -- the last Day of our WikiEducator “Invite them and they will come” workshop. Congratulations -- You have completed the WikiEducator workshop and have now joined thousands of graduates of the Learning4Content project!
Today we're wrapping up the workshop. You will find the instructions for Day 10 from our course home page under the Course Content section:
http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Home In summary, you should:
1) Join our main WikiEducator mailing list to keep up to date with what is happening with the WikiEducator family. 2) Invite a friend or colleague to join the next Learning4Content workshop -- spread the news! 3) Share your experiences, thoughts and suggestions by posting a reply on our wrap-up thread. 4) Consider giving the gift of knowledge by supporting our charitable gifting and organisational recruitment campaign.
We will announce the winners of the community kudos awards for the most edits during the week of October 10, 2010 -- this will give you a chance to increase your edit count!
From all your facilitators -- A BIG thank you for all your contributions in making the WikiEducator “Invite them and they will come” workshop a huge success.
Cheers Your international facilitation team. http://wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Workshops/eL4C45/Facilitators