Leading and Managing People/PMAN102/The happy workforce/Reading

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Motivation and performance

Consider the following questions and keep them in mind as you complete the readings that follow:

  1. What is the difference between motivation and performance?
  2. How does a manager make a group of people both motivated and able to perform?

Read the following sections from the Principles of Management (2015), published by the University of Minnesota Libraries:

  1. Introduction to Chapter 14 to learn more about motivation.
  2. Section 14.2 case study to learn more about motivation and performance.
  3. Section 14.3 about needs-based theories of motivation (pay attention to the key takeaways).
  4. Section 14.4 about processed-based theories of motivation (pay attention to the key takeaways).
  5. Section 14.5 about developing your personal motivation skills.

In the WENotes below, do one of the following:

  • Answer any of the questions above.
  • Make a comment on one of the readings.
  • Think about your own motivation at work and comment on the main strategy that works to motivate you.
  • Think about motivation at your workplace and comment on a main action or condition that tends to demotivate employees.

Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.

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Resource bank activity - optional

You are encouraged to help create a resource bank for this learning pathway:

  • For each resource you would like to recommend to others, select the resource, log in to bookmarks.oeru.org and click on "Add" link.
  • Complete the form adding the link, a short description and the recommended tags below for each resource. Be sure to mark your resource "Public":
    • Required tags= pman102, pman102a2-1
    • Suggested tags= Use appropriate keywords (lowercase preferred)
    • Link tag=pman102a2-1
  • You are also encouraged to review a few resources submitted by your peers and vote for those you find valuable.