Leading and Managing People/PMAN102/Managing vs. Leading/Overview

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The principles of management are drawn from three specific areas:leadership, strategic management and entrepreneurship. While leadership and management are very important to organizational success, they require different skill sets. Managing others, as well as inspiring them to work their hardest, is not easy. Not all managers are leaders and vice-versa. Not all good managers are good leaders and vice-versa. In this learning pathway, you will explore the similarities and differences between managing and leading, as well as learn about entrepreneurship and strategy.

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The overall purpose of this learning pathway is for you to be able to reflect about the characteristics of good managers and good leaders. After successful completion of this pathway, you will be able to:

  • Identify roles and tasks associated with managing and leading.
  • Identify the differences between managers and leaders.
  • Explain the role of entrepreneurship and strategy in an organization.

Before starting on this learning pathway, complete this brief spot poll about your personal experience as a leader. If you have not done so as yet, also complete this brief spot poll about your personal experience as a manager.