Leading and Managing People/PMAN102/Managing vs. Leading/E-activity-start

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Managing versus Leading challenge summary
Summary: In this learning challenge, you are asked to reflect and justify chosen tasks associated with roles of management and leadership. You will also identify the similarities/differences between management and leadership.
1 - 2 hours

Start here

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Stimulus resources
  1. List of tasks identified in the microblog activity.
  2. Lessons learned about the different roles of managers and leaders during the matching activity.
  3. Take home message from John Kotter's video.
  4. Knowledge acquired through your reading of Section 1.4 Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Strategy in Principles of Management (2015), published by the University of Minnesota Libraries.

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Now we'll dig deeper into the content and the differences between management and leadership. The purpose of this learning challenge is to:

  • Try and justify your choices for why each task is associated with each role.
  • Make you think about how these roles relate to the bigger managerial picture.
  • Consider how these tasks improve efficiency and effectiveness of the business.