LS4ODFL/Types and Foundations of Learner Support/Self-Assessment

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Multiple choice
  • The three main categories of learner support are
    • educational, pastoral, and organisational
      • Incorrect
    • cognitive, emotional, and organisational
      • Correct
    • material, organisational, and emotional
      • Incorrect
    • organisational, emotional, and cultural
      • Incorrect
  • What are the two basic functions of learner support?
    • teaching and learning
      • Incorrect
    • guiding and caring
      • Incorrect
    • tuition and counselling
      • Correct
    • instruction and therapy
      • Incorrect
  • Early intervention is key support for first-year students to assist in
    • student retention
      • Correct
    • high pass rate
      • Incorrect
    • easy transition
      • Incorrect
    • peer collaboration
      • Incorrect
  • Which of the following statements is true about peer-to-peer learning?
    • It involves students of the same age
      • Incorrect
    • It is compulsory to have a student older than the rest in the group
      • Incorrect
    • It is most effective in a large group
      • Incorrect
    • It is a two-way, reciprocal learning activity
      • Correct
  • Identify one of the purposes that should drive the development of core services for learners from the options below.
    • Services that help learners succeed in their studies
      • Correct
    • Services that help learners become independent and not rely on each other
      • Incorrect
    • Services that help learners make a smooth transition to higher education
      • Incorrect
    • Services that help learners socialise and form lasting friendships
      • Incorrect
  • Which of the following is the first step to building effective learner support services?
    • A vibrant student services team
      • Incorrect
    • Academic support
      • Incorrect
    • A solid base of support with institutional leadership
      • Correct
    • Information technology
      • Incorrect
  • A component of personalised learning is
    • Students are involved in deeper learning and problem-solving to develop meaning
      • Correct
    • Students search on websites, have no grades, and do anything they want.
      • Incorrect
    • Students learn as fast as they can so they can complete all of their work and have time to fool around.
      • Incorrect
    • Teachers are not actively involved.
      • Incorrect
  • Differentiation Instruction’s focus is
    • the students designing their own learning
      • Incorrect
    • providing all the students with the same instruction in the class
      • Incorrect
    • on the teacher adapting their lessons to different types of learning and accounting for the various students in the room.
      • Correct
    • certain groups of students that are academically challenged
      • Incorrect
  • Choose the option that applies to scaffolding.
    • Helping students when they find difficulty in learning new concepts
      • Correct
    • Pre-planning activities to use during the class
      • Incorrect
    • Avoiding giving difficult topics to students
      • Incorrect
    • Removing assessments from the course
      • Incorrect
  • Which of the following differences in students is a major factor that calls for learner support in ODFL?
    • Different racial background
      • Incorrect
    • Strengths and abilities
      • Correct
    • Socio-economic factors
      • Incorrect
    • Cultural differences
      • Incorrect