LS4ODFL/Technology Enabled Learning Support/Self-Assessment

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Multiple choice
  • Why is the SAMR model a valuable tool for teachers to help integrate technology?
    • The SAMR model allows teachers to identify strategies to move towards using technology to redefine tasks for higher level thinking.
      • Correct
    • The SAMR model gives specific ideas to help teachers.
      • Incorrect
    • Substitution of tasks is emphasised on the model.
      • Incorrect
    • The SAMR model is a teaching, not a technology model.
      • Incorrect
  • Digital accessibility of web content is especially addressing:
    • People who like to have the latest news on their electronic devices.
      • Incorrect
    • People with various situational, temporary, or permanent disabilities.
      • Correct
    • Specialists in the field of web designing.
      • Incorrect
    • Specialists in the field of web development.
      • Incorrect
  • Which best describes the Content Knowledge domain in the TPACK framework?
    • How teachers teach
      • Incorrect
    • What teachers know
      • Correct
    • How technology is used
      • Incorrect
    • How students learn
      • Incorrect
  • Select the example where Web 2.0 technologies are being used to foster collaborative learning.
    • Having students update their Facebook statuses
      • Incorrect
    • Allowing students to watch a YouTube video
      • Incorrect
    • Groups of students create blogs and other groups of students reply to them
      • Correct
    • Using Google Earth during a geography lesson
      • Incorrect
  • Identify the type of activity incorporating technology that might appeal to a visual learner.
    • Listening to a podcast
      • Incorrect
    • Reading an e-book
      • Correct
    • Working in a group
      • Incorrect
    • Creating a video lesson
      • Incorrect
  • Why is it essential to connect classroom content to real-world experiences?
    • It isn't. Teachers should stick to abstract and complex concepts.
      • Incorrect
    • It is only essential to point to obvious connections because students are unlikely to apply the concept to anything else.
      • Incorrect
    • Real-world connections are important because they help students make sense of what and why they are learning.
      • Correct
    • Real-world experiences take less time to comprehend, so they should replace completely academic content.
      • Incorrect
  • Why is it beneficial for students to develop technology confidence and competence?
    • It is trendy and may turn out useful sometimes.
      • Incorrect
    • It prepares them for employment in the 21st century and it facilitates English language comprehension and acquisition.
      • Correct
    • Although it slows down English acquisition, it is helpful to know basic computer skills.
      • Incorrect
    • Although it has no applicability in any other areas of students' life, technology facilitates vocabulary retention and expansion.
      • Incorrect
  • Why is media an effective pathway for communication?
    • Media holds students' attention and makes challenging subjects more understandable.
      • Correct
    • Using media is like listening to a lecture.
      • Incorrect
    • Media takes less time to implement.
      • Incorrect
    • Media can be used instead of tests.
      • Incorrect
  • What is the difference between adaptive technology and assistive technology?
    • Adaptive technology and assistive technology mean the same thing and refer to any tool that is used to help someone perform a task.
      • Incorrect
    • Assistive technology refers to wheelchairs and crutches, where adaptive technology refers to sensory and communication equipment.
      • Incorrect
    • Assistive technology is a general term referring to tools that help people with disabilities perform tasks, where adaptive technology just refers to any modification of an existing tool.
      • Correct
    • Assistive technology is technology that has been adapted for use by people with disabilities where adaptive technology came about through the adaptation of existing tools
      • Incorrect
  • Which of the following statements does NOT describe educational technology?
    • It is a profession composed of various job categories.
      • Incorrect
    • It refers to the efficiency of teachers in using computers.
      • Incorrect
    • It includes audiovisual materials, interactive multimedia, and self-instructional materials.
      • Correct
    • It is the development, application, and evaluation of systems, techniques, and aids to improve human learning.
      • Incorrect