LP/Mobile E Learning
Methods of content delivery
The content is going to be delivered in two ways, which will be: Theoretically and practically Theoretically Already LDTC delivers content to learners through radio broadcasting throughout the country Practically As a team we have decided to choose the mobile lab mode to cator for the practical part of content delivery (hands on). The lab will move from one region to another using the resourse centres to impart practical skills to learners.
The following methods have been identified:
Lecture Demostration Step by step Problem solving Group discussion Discovery Lecturing
This is the oldest method teachers use to work with a group of students. It costs less than other teaching methods if textbooks are scarce.Ths method can be used when teachers want to cover as much of a topic as possible. The problem is that it prevents students from learning to discover.
Demonstration method
It is amore practical form of learning by immitation showing how something is done, is a much more effective way of teaching than describing how it is done. Demonstrations are more likely to be successful because of the following:
in teaching manipulative skills developing understanding in showing how to carry out new practices in securing th acceptance of new and improved ways of doing things can be used to show procedures and to explain new techniques to establish stnddards for individual and group work or to incoperate laborqatory lessons that would be too expensive for a large group of students to complete indivedually Step by step demonstration The teacher demonstrates first and let learners to perform after him or her. if class is too large devide class into smaller groups and demonstae insmaller groups. Move to the next step when the former skill has been acquired by majority of learners.
Group discussion It is a technique whereby a group or class under the guidance of a leader examines its views of aproblem by group interaction, then attempts to reach the best solution possible. groups of puples who may not agree on an issue can ineract in a discusion to examine their different views to be able to the best possible solution to the issue.
Problem solving approach It is a sophisticated form of trial and error learning. It provides learners a chance to learn from their successes and failures. Further more because it provides learners with an opportunity to become rearly involved with their learning. Problem solviong may lead to a real understanding in a way that memorisation and drill seldom can. Problem has the following carracteristics: -Pupils or learners experiment and make errors -Pupils learn from what they make correctly and wrongly
Pupils engae intensively in the learning ssituation. Learning takes place more effectively than where memorisation and drill are used. Retrieved from "http://www.wikieducator.org/Lesotho/LCE/Methods_of_content_delivery"