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1. K.K. Gupta and S.S. Sehgal, 1987. Colour preference of Callosobruchus maculates (Fabr.) as elicited by of orientation and ovipositional behaviours, Indian J. Ent .49:544-546.

2. S.S. Sehgal and K.K. Gupta, 1988. Structure and mechanism of spiracles of Polistes olivaceus (De Geer) Bull. Ent. 29 (1): 41-44.

3. K.K. Gupta and J.R. Gandhi, 1989. Aggregation behaviour of Lygaus militaris fabr. (Insecta: Heteroptera) in response to some environmental factors, Zoology, 2 (1): 19-25.

4. K.K. Gupta and J.R. Gandhi, 1989 Hydrogen ion concentration and digestive enzymes in the gut of Lygaeus hospes Fabr. (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). Indian J. Ent. 51: 225-228.

5. K.K. Gupta and S.S. Sehgal, 1990. Influences of mating stimuli on the rate of oocyte maturation in Dysdercus koenigii Fabricius. Proc. 79th Indian Science Congress held at Cochin (Abs)

6. S.S. Sehgal and K.K. Gupta, 1990. Premaginal development of male accessory glands of Dysdercus koenigii Fabricius. Indian J. Ent. 52: 461-464.

7. K.K.Gupta and J.R. Gandhi, 1991. Certain factors governing utilization of dietary constituents in Lygaeus militaris Fabricius (Heteropera: Lygeaidae). J. Adv. Zool. 12 (2) : 104-111 8. K.K. Gupta and S.S. Sehgal, 1992. Propensity of multiple mating in female Dysdercus koenigii: The adaptive significance. Proc. XIX Int. cong. Ent. (Abs).

9. S.S. Sehgal and K.K. Gupta, 1992. Mating behaviour of Dysdercus koenigii F. and role of antennae in mate finding and recognition, Ibid (Abs).

10. K.K. Gupta and S.S Sehgal, 1995 influence of multiple mating on reproductive success of Dysdercus koenigii Fabricius Shashpa 2 (1): 33-41. 11. K.K. Gupta and S.S Sehgal, 1996. Mating Strategies and mate selection behaviour of Dysdercus koenigii Proc. XX Int. Cong. Ent. (Abs).

12. S.S. Sehgal and K.K. Gupta, 1996 Histophysiology of male accessory glands of Dysdercus koenigii. F. sequential to its development. Ibid. (Abs.)

13. K.K. Gupta and J.R. Gandhi 1996. Foraging strategies and feeding preference of Lygaeus militaris Fabricius (Het: Lygaeidae) on certain host plants. Indian J. Ent. 337-341.

14. K.K. Gupta and S.S. Sehgal.1997. Mechanism of mate finding and recognition in mating behaviour of Red cotton bug. Bull. Ent.38:18-22.

15. K. K. Gupta, 2004.Influence of mating on mating receptivity and mate selection behaviour of Dysdercus koenigii Fabricius.Indian J. Ent. 66(2): 165-167.

16. K. K. Gupta, 2004. Significance of prolonged mating in reproductive success of Dysdercus koengii. Proc. XXII Int. Cong. Ent. (Abs).

17. K. K. Gupta, 2008. Sperm precedence and its implication on evolution of prolonged copulation in Dysdercus koenigii Proc. XXII Int. Cong. Ent. (Abs).