LESSON 1: Physiological Changes
It is a period from fertilition of ovum till 36wks-40wks when the foetus is fully matured.Women experience minor disorders which if not managed can affect her health.
By the end the lesson students should beable to explain the physiological changes in pregnancy. |
Lesson Content
Changes in the reproductive system.Increase in size of uterus and breast.Tinglig sensation and heaviness of breast.Vaginal secretions thickens and increase. Cardio-vascular system.:Increased blood volume,the heart has the capacity to pump extra volume of blood. Renalsystem:Frequency of micturition due to the uterus pressing on the bladder during early and late pregnancy. Skin:Increase in activity of sabaceos and sweat glands.Increase pigmentation causing cloasma and linea nigra. Digestive system:The tract is relaxed and this cause cardic sphincter to relax allowing reflux of acidic stomach secrtions. Musculo-skeletal system :Relaxation of joints and change in posture due to enlarging abdomen.
Jeassan 15:36, 26 February 2007 (CET)