Grading criteria

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Grading criteria

Grade Range Criteria
A 90-100 Excellent work: Student exhibits superior quality in mastery of content and method of the course which surpasses that which is required, demonstrates ability to make connections among various aspects of the course, is thoroughly prepared, demonstrates originality and accuracy, and consistently displays initiative and outstanding quality in fulfilling course requirements
B+ 87-89.9 Good to very good work: Student exhibits better-than- average understanding of the content and method of course, demonstrates ability to make connections among many aspects of the course, is generally well prepared and displays above-average levels of originality, accuracy, initiative and quality in fulfilling course requirements
B 80 - 86.9 Same as above
C+ 77-79.9 Passing work: Student exhibits sufficient understanding of content and method of the course, recognizes connections among some aspects of the course, fulfills all requirements of the course but displays levels of originality, accuracy, initiative and quality in fulfilling course requirements that could be improved upon in large measure
C 70-76.9 Same as above
D 60-69.9 Just passable work: Student exhibits limited understanding of the content and method of the course or some major portion thereof and of connections among aspects of the course, is not generally well prepared, displays limited initiative, originality and accuracy, and work fulfills only the bare minimum course requirements
F 59.9 and below Failing work: Student exhibits an insufficient understanding of course content and methods to pass the course, lacks sufficient preparation, originality, accuracy, and initiative, and work does not fulfill course requirements