Introduction to project management/IPM104/Communication/Tasks communication plan

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It is critical that the appropriate paths, responsibilities, and methods of communication are clear to all team members.

Your task is to complete a communication matrix for your project. This document should describe at least five (5) communication activities and complete the columns of your template prepared earlier.

Marking Rubric

Use the rubric below to work out if you have done a good job. This is the same rubric that will be used to mark your assessment if you choose to be formally assessed.

Criteria Marks
At least five (5) appropriate communication activities are specifically identified.
Someone has responsibility for each communication activity.
The target audience is identified and appropriate.
The media used for communication is identified.
The date (or frequency ) of activity is identified.
At least three appropriate communication activities are identified.
Someone has responsibility for each communication activity.
The target audience is identified.
The media used for communication is identified but not appropriate.
The date (or frequency ) of activity is identified.
Less than three appropriate communication activities.
Responsibility for any communication activity is not clear or appropriate
The target audience is not identified.
The media used for communication is not identified and / or not appropriate.
The date (or frequency ) of activity is not identified.