Introduction to project management/IPM103/Quality/Tasks

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Without clear expectations around quality standards and how they will be met, few projects would reach a successful conclusion.

Your task is to write a quality plan for your project. This document should describe at least three (3) work packets from your WBS identified earlier. The desired quality outcome for each must be identified. This plan should show who is responsible for ensuring the quality outcome, and what tolerances are allowable. You must include how and when the quality will be assessed.

Marking Rubric

Use the rubric below to work out if you have done a good job. This is the same rubric that will be used to mark your assessment if you choose to be formally assessed.

Criteria Marks
At least three quality requirements are specifically identified.
Someone has responsibility for each quality requirement.
A plan is in place that identifies how this quality will be checked, when it will be checked, and what tolerance or measures will be used to decide if the quality is acceptable.
At least three quality requirements are identified.
Someone has responsibility for each quality requirement.
A plan is in place that identifies how this quality will be checked; the timing and levels of tolerance may not be clear in the plan.
Less than three quality requirements are identified.
Not all requirements are assigned to someone as a responsibility.
It is not clear how, when, and against what standard the quality will be checked.