Introduction to entrepreneurship/IENT103/Valuing/Approaches

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Introducing methods for valuing a start-up

This short video introduces a number of methods for valuing a start-up business. While you're watching, think about the most appropriate method for valuing your business concept.

Share your thoughts on the most appropriate method for valuing your business start-up by posting a WEnote below. For example,

  • The best method to value my business concept is ... because ...

Post your comment(s) below, and then look on the course feed page to see what others have posted.

If you prefer, you can create a post on your learning journal blog. Be sure to label or tag your post IENT103.
Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.

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Comparing valuation methods

Below, there are two articles which summarise valuation methods.


  1. Read the articles
  2. Write down the issues or factors that will influence the value of your business in the eyes of the prospective investor.
  3. Select the two most suitable methods for determining the value of your future business.
