Introduction to entrepreneurship/IENT102/Session5

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Congratulations - You've made it to the final session in Planning a Business Startup (IENT102)
Course site:

SESSION 5: Presentations

Dates: Independent study (recommend 2 days).

In this learning pathway, we explore how to prepare for a business presentation.

At the end of this learning pathway, you will be able to:

  • Identify and reflect on the components of an effective business presentation

Begin here

Need help?

Ask questions in the general discussion forum. Don't forget to give the URL of the section you need help with or want to comment on. Last chance - Don't finish the course with questions unasked!

Formal accreditation

If you would like to achieve formal accreditation for this course, please follow the instructions in the assessment section.

There are two other course in the series which you may like to study:

If you would like to take these additional courses, please register.

Thanks for being with us, we hope to see you on the other courses.

With kind regards
Wayne, Carol, Simonne, & Claire
The IENT102 course development team.